If society allowed IVF to proceed, he wrote shortly after Louise Brown's birth, some enormous issues were at stake: “the idea of the humanness of our human life and the meaning of our embodiment, our sexual being, and our relation to ancestors and descend
卡斯在布朗出生后不久写道,如果社会让IVF进行下去,下述的这些巨大问题将面临危机:「人类生命及人类存在的价值等人性观念、我们的性别,以及我们与祖先和后代的关系。」 |
If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth; if society were a state coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axis on which only the coach could roll forward.
假定社会是一列火车,礼仪就好比轨道,火车只能沿着它隆隆前进;假定社会是一辆马车,礼仪就好比轮子与轴,马车只有靠它们才能滚滚前进。 |
If solitude is the distance between souls, then loneliness must be the separation of lusty bodies.
如果孤独是心灵的距离,那么,寂寞便是肉体的隔离。 |
If solvents are used for microwave-assisted extractions, there must be sufficient polar solvents in the mixture.
微波辅助萃取方法利用微波能量快速高效加热溶剂。萃取在完全密封系统内高温控制,极大降低萃取时间。 |
If some among them are innocent, it is expedient that they should be assayed like gold in the furnace and purged by proper judicial examination.
如果他们当中有人是清白的,最好的证明方法是让他们经历金子在熔炉中那般的检验,并经过彻底的公正审查。 |
If some athletes use drugs, it is unfair for the others.
如果有的运动员使用兴奋剂,其他运动员就要吃亏。 |
If some day you feel tired, just turn around, my blessing is always surrounding you.
如果有一天,你走得太倦,只要一转身,我的祝福就在你身边。 |
If some day you see a sun light is shining to you,do not be undecided,sure that it is my Apollo phoebus.
如果哪一天你看到阳光正在照射着你,不用犹豫,一定是我用太阳神的光芒照着你。 |
If some enterprise shareholder does not perform his responsibility of the contract to invest in (or provide cooperative condition), those who keep the contract apply to replace the shareholder or change the ownership of shareholder shall represent: certif
企业股东不履行企业合同规定的出资(包括提供合作条件)义务,守约股东依法申请更换股东、变更股权的,提交:①守约方催告违约方缴付或缴清出资的证明文件;②市工商局出具的《企业注册资本催缴通知书》复印件1份(核对原件);③违约方已经按照企业原合同规定缴付部分出资的,提交企业对违约方的部分出资进行清理的有关文件原件。 |
If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disrespect, the whole society may be paralyzed.
如果某些群体自视高人一筹,不尊重其他种族或宗教,那么整个社会有可能陷入瘫痪。 |
If some lifes form a prefect circle, others take shape and ways we can not predict or always understand.
如果有些人的生活是完美的圆圈,我们就总也不能明白或是预测其他人的生活形状了。 |