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A: See you later, Dad.

A: Say, Andy, Lucy and I are planning to have some friends in for a little Christmas party. 喂,安迪,露西和我正计划邀请几位朋友在家开个小型的圣诞舞会。
A: Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce,Mustard Greens with Scallop,Fried String beans,Shark's Fin Soup and Mushroom Soup. 我们的蔬菜有蚝油菜心、干杯芥菜和干煽四季豆,汤有鱼翅汤和蘑菇汤。
A: Second, about the terms of payment. 第二点是付款的有关条款。
A: Second, about the terms of payment. Your draft contract says that payment is to be made by D/P. This is not our practice. We prefer to have the payment made by L/C through a negotiating bank in France. 第二点是付款的有关条款。你们的合同草案规定付款方式为付款交单。我们不这么做。我们希望经法国的一家议付银行用信用证付款。
A: See you around. Remember to bring the book this afternoon. 再见,记得今天下午带来这本书。
A: See you later, Dad. (爸爸,一会儿见。)
A: Seeing that terror film made my hair stand on end. 看那个恐怖电影使我怕的要死。
A: Senior level work experience would normally be a role at board level in a small company, in a larger business it may be as a department head or leader of project management team. 高级工作经历通常是在在一家小公司董事会水平的一个角色,在一个更大的企业它可以是一位部门主任或项目管理组的领导人。
A: Seriously. The only tax I don't mind them taking is social security. It's only a few dollars every paycheck. 当然。只有社会保险这种税我不介意上交。每回只要从薪水里面扣除几元钱。
A: Set meals are usually cheaper. 套餐通常比较便宜。
A: Seventy-six cents is your change. 这是你的零钱-七毛六。

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