This trust includes the protection and enhancement of Native American lands and the conservation and development of natural resources, including fish and wildlife, outdoor recreation, water, range land, and forestry resources.
这个信托关系包括保护和增加土著居民的土地,以及保存和发展自然资源,包括鱼和野生动物,户外娱乐,水,山脉土地及森林资源。 |
This trusty, pocket-size travel companion held sketches,notes, stories and ideas before they were turned into famous images or pages of beloved books.
这本令人信赖的笔记本成为众多作家,艺术家的随身伙伴。她记录了各种伟大的思想片断,瞬间的灵感迸发。目睹了无数传世之作的诞生。 |
This truth seems to be self-evident.
这个道理似乎明白无误。 |
This tub serves as a temporary home for a day or two until the babies are ready to be released into the ocean.
在这些小海龟可以被放回大海之前,这个大盆就是它们临时的家,他们可以在这里呆上一两天。 |
This tube is between metal vacuum tube and all-glass vacuum tube. It can be used in cold area and its price is much low than the metal vacuum tube.
介于全玻璃真空管和封装式热管太阳集热器中间的一种太阳集热器,弥补了全玻璃真空管的缺点,借鉴了封装式热管太阳集热器的优点. |
This tube is flexible but tough.
这管子柔软但很坚固。 |
This tumor has not been widely reported in the plastic surgery literature.
我们提出一位59岁原始病灶在头皮部位之女性病患。 |
This tumor is a histologic subtype of sweat gland carcinoma.
在1952年首次被提出,文献上仅有少数病例报告。 |
This tumor reveals large area of necrosis in imaging finding, which corresponds with its histopathological differentiation and classification.
本例在图象学上表现大区域坏死,适可印证组织病理分化等级,较为特殊。 |
This turbulence scenario eliminates the need for a secondary mechanism (such as ejection) to stop embryos from growing.
这个乱流说并不需要以第二线的机制(例如排斥驱逐)来阻止胚胎成长。 |
This turned out to be a poor long-term strategy.
我们认为这不是长久之计。 |