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In the project, various previously developed non-invasive biosensors for measuring vital signs will be enhanced for home use and also a new multifunction stethoscope will be developed to diagnose cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders.

In the process, they saved the lives of untold thousands of Chinese civilians and contributed mightily to the eventual downfall of Imperial Japan's dreams of a vast Asian empire. 在这过程中,他们挽救了无数的中国平民百姓的生命,也彻底粉碎了日本帝国主义建立“大亚洲帝国”的梦想。
In the process, we develop a detailed architecture and roadmap for current and future Grid technologies. 在此过程中,我们为当前与将来的网格技术展开了一幅具体的体系结构和道路图。
In the product mix lenses accounted for the lion's share of optical turnover as premium products grew in number and popularity. 在产品混合透镜占了大部分的光学转交使优质产品数量上增长和大众化。
In the production of low chrome cast iron grinding ball, there has been existing lower longevity and instability properties. 摘要在低铬铸铁磨球生产上,一直存在磨球介质的使用寿命不高,性能不稳定。
In the production of nitrophosphates by the mixed acid process the main components of the acidulation tail gas are nitrogen oxides, and the steam condensate from evaporation contains ammonia. 摘要混酸法硝酸磷肥酸解尾气的主要成分是氮氧化物,其浓缩过程产生的蒸汽冷凝液含有氨。
In the project, various previously developed non-invasive biosensors for measuring vital signs will be enhanced for home use and also a new multifunction stethoscope will be developed to diagnose cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders. 在本项目中,将会对多种以前开发的用于测量生命信号的非侵入式生物传感器加以完善以适应家用,并会开发一款新的多功能听诊器用以测量心血管病和肺部疾病。
In the projection booth, two machines whirred: a digital one, which in the event worked perfectly, and an old-fashioned celluloid one, which was on hand in case the more advanced technology became unruly. 在放映室,两台机器在运转:一部数码的,在这次重大活动中表现完美,还有一台老式的赛璐珞(参2)的,置于手边以防这个较先进的技术失控。
In the property account of a business account book, the name, type, price, quantity, and the location where relevant property is kept shall be indicated. 商业帐簿所记载之财物帐户,应载明其名称、种类、价格、数量及其存置地点。
In the proposalform you were asked whetherany inflammable materi alswere stored on the premises. 在投保单上你被问及是否有任何易燃物被存储在房屋里。
In the proposed algorithm, each application is represented by a directed acyclic graph, and then all directed acyclic graphs are partitioned into several levels, during executing process, the ready application set can insert in term of a certain regular. 该算法采用有向无环图表示每个应用,然后,将所有这些图进行分层,执行过程中,就绪的应用组可以按照一定的规则动态插入。
In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance. 他在执行职务中遇到许多阻力.

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