Democrats want to show, quickly, that they are the party of clean, responsible and effective government, unlike the sleazy, partisan and reckless Republicans.
民主党想尽快的展示,他们能够组建高效廉洁,有责任心的政府,与草率腐败,党同伐异的共和党完全不同。 |
Democrats will find the two thirds majority needed to override the president's veto.
由于国会两会的投票非常接近,因此,民主党不可能有办法凑到2/3的票数来限制总统使用否决权。 |
Democritus was one of the earliest philosophical materialists and speculated about the atomic structure of matter. Marx ’s first published word was a study of Democritus .
德谟克利特是最早的唯物主义哲学家之一,也是最早的原子论创始人之一。马克思发表的第一部哲学著作就是以德谟克利特的思想为研究对象的。 |
Demographer William Frey of the Brookings Institution says immigrants are moving to cities like New York, Miami, Houston, Dallas and Los Angeles.
布鲁金斯研究所的人口学家佛瑞指出,移民正在迁入纽约、迈阿密、休斯顿、达拉斯和洛杉矶这样的大城市。 |
Demographer William Frey says immigrants with young families will help keep the United States competitive.
人口统计学家佛瑞表示这些年轻的家庭会帮助美国保持竞争力。 |
Demographers also expect strains on the household registration system, which restricts internal migration.
人口统计学家同时预测阻碍国内移民的户籍制度将受到压力。 |
Demographers and geographers attribute the slowing largely to the recession , which has hit California particularly hard, leaving its once-robust economy to bring up the rear of the national recovery.
人口学家和地理学家把缓慢的情形都归咎于不景气,加州情形尤为严重,以致加州一度蓬勃的经济竟然在全国复苏中落在各州之后。 |
Demographers and geographers attribute the slowing largely to the recession, which has hit California particularly hard, leaving its once-robust economy to bring up the rear of the national recovery.
人口学家和地理学家把缓慢的情形都归咎于不景气,加州情形尤为严重,以致加州一度蓬勃的经济竟然在全国复苏中落在各州之后。 |
Demographers say a rate of 2.1 is needed to keep a population from declining.
人口统计学家指出,生育率必须达到2.1,才能防止人口减少。 |
Demographers say that no country's birth rate has ever recovered after dropping below 1.5, so governments need to do everything they can to avoid falling into a headlong decline.
人口统计学家们说,没有一个国家的生育率曾在低于1.5之后恢复过元气,所以政府需要不遗余力,以便避免落入一路下滑的趋势。 |
Demographic change is another reason why the workforce is greying.
人口变化是劳动力老龄化的又一原因。 |