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Midas expands oversea market actively with the principle of “high quality, best service”, and has already gained a very good reputation in the chemical engineering industry.

Mid-Year Exams can be a game! 中间-年考试可能是一场游戏!
Mid-autumn is still a fortnight away, 离中秋节还有两星期,
Mid-latitude westerly winds have generally increased in both hemispheres. 南北半球中纬度的西风普遍增强。
Mid-range hotels have improved immensely in the last few years. 近几年来,中档饭店改变很大。
Mid-term exam (20%): Twenty multiple-choice or short-answer questions (1 point per question). 期中考(20%):二十题复选题或是简答题(每题一分)。
Midas expands oversea market actively with the principle of “high quality, best service”, and has already gained a very good reputation in the chemical engineering industry. 以“质量高,服务好”为宗旨,明大积极的拓展海外市场,并已经在化工品这一行业中获得了很好的信誉。
Midas might have been an unhappy guy, but that's probably because he didn't know any other kings who could also turn things into gold. 麦得斯(译注:点石成金的那个国王)也许他其实不是一个快乐的家伙,不过这恐怕是因为他不认识有任何其它能把东西能点石成金的国王。
Midday,you'd be no more boy. 正午,你不应再是个少年。
Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second. 中央C音相当於每秒钟振动256次.
Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second. 中央C音相当于每秒钟振动256次.
Middle East analyst Kenneth Pollack says some officials within the Bush administration are pushing for the use of military force against Iran if it does not comply with U.N. demands to stop enriching uranium. 中东问题分析家肯尼思?波拉克说,如果伊朗不按照联合国的要求停止铀浓缩试验,包括布什政府在内的一些官员都会力图用军事力量打击伊朗。

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