More and more people have mobile phones in recent years.
近年来,越来越多的人有手机。 |
More and more people have realized that life-long education is a must in today's society, without it, one will fall behind the development of the times.
越来越多的人已经意识到终生教育在今天的社会中很重要,没有终生教育,一个人将会被时代淘汰。 |
More and more people realize the importance of environmental protection.
越来越多的人意识到了环境保护的重要性。 |
More and more people senses the weak races to be subjected unequal treatment.
事实上,教育机会均等的理念不仅是世界的潮流,也是我国教育的一贯政策。 |
More and more road in urban and leisure place is paved by colored bituminous, which not only achieves a result of beautifying life, creating comfortable surroundings and raises city taste, but also brings into active play to strengthen urban traffic warni
在城市道路和休闲场所中使用彩色沥青铺筑的路面越来越多,不仅起到美化生活、创造舒适环境,提高城市品位的效果,同时也对强化城市交通的警示,疏导交通流量发挥了积极的作用。 |
More and more she wanted to communicate with others.
她越来越想和别人交流。 |
More and more software organizations are moving away from the waterfall model of the life cycle to an iterative approach.
越来越多的软件组织开始从瀑布式模型向迭代式模型转变。 |
More and more students are majoring in the science of business management.
越来越多的大学生主修企业管理学。 |
More and more successful scientific developments make us believe that we will eventually go cosmic.
越来越多的成功科学成就使我们更加相信,人类最终将走向宇宙。 |
More and more things run against lots and lots of these microprocessor-based systems.
越来越多的事物撞上运气和许多这些以微处理器为基础的系统。 |
More and more today, the hackers “sabotage of choice” is the e-mail bomb—an easy way into your computer for wrecking the maximum havoc.
近来越来越多的网路骇客是以邮件炸弹的方式来攻击个人电脑。 |