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Ratios of galactose to mannose of the above polysaccharides are ∶., ∶., ∶ . and ∶.,respectively(guar gum ∶.).
不同植物种子多糖,其半乳糖与甘露糖比值不同,其中胡芦巴∶.、皂荚∶.、野皂荚∶ .、塔拉∶.(瓜尔∶.);

Rapid genotyping for HLA-DR, DR7,DR9 by PCR amplification with sequence-specific primers PCR-SSP快速HLA-DR、DR7、DR9基因配型研究
Raring requirements for online documents induce the newborn of VRD (virtual reference desktop). 随着读者对网络文献的迫切需求 ,虚拟参考咨询服务 (VRD)应运而生 .
Rascal Cai is acknowledged flagman of network literature, his position in the network literature field is very important. 痞子蔡作为公认的网络文学的旗手 ,其在网络文学界的地位是非常重要的。
Ratio of tongue and palatum molle in pharyngo-oral cavity sagittal area significantly increased (P < 0.0). 舌和软腭占口咽腔矢状面积比显著增加(P<0.0)。
Ratiometric Naphthalimide Fluorescent Probes for Cations Based on ICT Mechanism 基于ICT萘酰亚胺阳离子比率荧光探针的研究
Ratios of galactose to mannose of the above polysaccharides are ∶., ∶., ∶ . and ∶.,respectively(guar gum ∶.). 不同植物种子多糖,其半乳糖与甘露糖比值不同,其中胡芦巴∶.、皂荚∶.、野皂荚∶ .、塔拉∶.(瓜尔∶.);
Rats in the high-energy diet group were fed with high-energy food (00 g of food containing g of egg,0 g of sugar,0 g of lard and 0 drops of oleum jecoris piscis concentratum). 高能量饮食组:高能量饲料膳食(每00g基础饲料中加入鸡蛋g,食糖0g,猪油0g,浓鱼肝油0滴)。
Rats were stimulated by repeated electric foot-shock combined with noise from a buzzer to establish conditional reflex, receiving stress twice daily, hours per time, and the treatment lasted for days. 方法:采用足底电击结合噪音方法刺激大鼠,每日次,每次小时,连续应激天;
Rayleigh criteria for freckle formation and their application 宏观偏析“黑斑”形成的Rayleigh判据及应用
Raz is pointed out. Raz在其公式推导中存在的问题。
Re consider to the Nature of Fence of wicker 对柳条边性质的再认识

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