Article 137 Sales Involving Intellectual Property In a sale of any subject matter which contains intellectual property such as computer software, etc., the intellectual property in the subject matter does not vest in the buyer, except otherwise provided b
第一百三十七条出卖具有知识产权的计算机软件等标的物的,除法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的以外,该标的物的知识产权不属于买受人。 |
Article 138 Time of Delivery The seller shall deliver the subject matter at the prescribed time.
第一百三十八条出卖人应当按照约定的期限交付标的物。 |
Article 139 Upon adoption of a resolution by the shareholders' general committee to issue new shares, the board of directors shall apply to the department authorized by the State Council or the People's Government at the provincial level for appro
第一百三十九条:股东大会作出发行新股的决议后,董事会必须向国务院授权的部门或者省级人民政府申请批准。 |
Article 139 When examining a case, the People's Procuratorate shall interrogate the criminal suspect and heed the opinions of the victim and of the persons entrusted by the criminal suspect and the victim.
第一百三十九条人民检察院审查案件,应当讯问犯罪嫌疑人,听取被害人和犯罪嫌疑人、被害人委托的人的意见。 |
Article 139 Where a stockholder intends to transfer its shares, it shall transfer its shares in a lawfully established stock exchange or by any other means as prescribed by the State Council.
第一百三十九条股东转让其股份,应当在依法设立的证券交易场所进行或者按照国务院规定的其他方式进行。 |
Article 13: A Joint Venture shall produce radio and television programmes on Chinese subjects that account for not less than two-thirds of its total programmes each year.
第十三条合营企业每年应当制作不少于节目总量三分之二的中国题材的广播电视节目。 |
Article 13: If the donor is to donate assets to build a public welfare project, the donor is required to reach a donation agreement with the recipient on the capital, construction, management, and use of the project.
第十三条捐赠人捐赠财产兴建公益事业工程项目,应当与受赠人订立捐赠协议,对工程项目的资金、建设、管理和使用作出约定。 |
Article 13: The board of directors of the listed company shall announce its Share buyback resolution and preliminary plan for the Share buyback within two working days of adopting the resolution, and issue a notice to convene a shareholders' general meeti
第十三条上市公司董事会应当在做出回购股份决议后的两个工作日内公告董事会决议、回购股份预案,并发布召开股东大会的通知。 |
Article 13: The duration of validity of the exploration and survey permit or the mining permit upon the transfer of the mineral exploration right or mining right shall be the remaining time period of the duration of validity of the original mineral explor
第十三条:探矿权、采矿权转让后,勘查许可证、采矿许可证的有效期限,为原勘查许可证、采矿许可证的有效期减去已经进行勘查、采矿的年限的剩余期限。 |
Article 14 Exchange rate quoted by the State exchange control authoritiesmentioned in Article 21 of the Tax Law refers to the buying rate quoted by the State Administration of Exchange Control.
第十四条税法第二十一条所说的国家外汇管理机关公布的外汇牌价,是指国家外汇管理局公布的外汇买人价。 |
Article 14 A frontier health and quarantine office shall conduct sanitation inspections and disinfect, derate, treat with insecticides or apply other sanitation measures to articles such as baggage, goods and postal parcels that come from an epidemic area
第十四条国境卫生检疫机关对来自疫区的、被检疫传染病污染的或者可能成为检疫传染病传播媒介的行李、货物、邮包等物品,应当进行卫生检查,实施消毒、除鼠、除虫或者其他卫生处理。 |