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I don't know whether I agree to do it. I'll sleep on it.

I don't know where do not suit. 我不晓得什么地方不对劲儿。
I don't know where he comes from. 我不知道他从哪里来。
I don't know where he is but I could hazard a guess. 我不知道他在那里,但我可以猜猜看.
I don't know where my money goes-it just seems to melt away. 我不知道我的钱哪里去了--就像是融化掉了。
I don't know where the gas leak is. 我不知道瓦斯是从哪儿漏气的。
I don't know whether I agree to do it. I'll sleep on it. 我不知道是不是会同意这样干。让我回去好好想一想。
I don't know whether I'm going by car or by train, but in any event I need money. 我不知道乘汽车去还是乘火车去,但无论哪种情况,我都需要钱。
I don't know whether he dare try. 我不知道他是否敢试试。
I don't know whether he is willing to come. 我不知道他是否愿意来。
I don't know whether it is a right or wrong choice. 我也不知道这是不是一个正确的选择。
I don't know whether it was because the stuttering made me eagerly to be a doctor and solve the problem, or maybe I just thought be a doctor was a good job and could make a lot of money. 我不知道这是因为口吃让我渴望成为一名医生,从而有机会解决这个难题,还是仅仅因为我自己感觉当医生是一个好的工作,可以挣很多钱。

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