The English were in no mood to spare the feelings of an upstart people who had committed the cardinal sin of ingratitude.
英国人决不愿饶恕那些不知情道谢的自命不凡的家伙们的感受。 |
The English wine business would probably crumble and die without its farmgate sales.
假如没有在农场门口的销售,英格兰葡萄酒行业很可能分崩瓦解。 |
The English workbooks contain pictures, puzzles, games and quizzes.
这本英语练习簿的内容包含图画、难题、游戏和测验。 |
The English, the Scots and the Welsh are all, as it were , members of the same family.
英格兰人、苏格兰人和威尔士人都可以说是一家人。 |
The English-Chinese dictionaries are here. Please come to the office to pick your order.
已订购辞典者请至办公室领取,每本定价$18.7,打八折后加运费以每本$16元计,已交书款者将退款$4元。 |
The English-Chinese folk custom idioms consist of rich cultural details which are just like a mirror, reflecting dissimilarities of cultures between China and western countries.
英汉民俗习语都有极丰富的文化底蕴,犹如一面镜子,清晰的折射出中西文化的不同。 |
The English-language daily said that the Secretary for Transport and Public Works of the Macau government, Ao Man Long, said in the Legislative Assembly that the four new landfill areas would increase Macau's area by 3.6 square kilometers and provide acco
《澳门邮报》说,澳门政府运输工务司司长欧文龙在立法会上称,在4块新的地区填海造地将给澳门增加3.6平方公里的面积,可容纳12万人。 |
The Englishman offered everyone a crumpet , then threw the rest out of the window, saying, Don't worry - we have plenty of those where I come from.
英国人也效仿法国人,分给了每人一些脆圆饼,他也把手中剩下的饼扔出了窗外,说着同样的话:“不要担心,我们国家有很多这样的圆饼。” |
The Englishman re-entered his room, but a few minutes later he came into the corridor again and once more asked the servant for a glass of water.
英国人回到了他的房间里,几分钟后他又来到走廊上,让服务员再给他送一杯水。 |
The Englishman speaks Italian very well.
那个英国人意大利语说的非常好. |
The Englishmen pointed at the insect with his fishing rod, and said, Mira el mosca!
英国佬用他的鱼竿指着那个昆虫,说,“瞧,大苍蝇!” |