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According to the constitutive relationship in linear piezoceramics, elliptical crack problems in impermeable case are analyzed with hypersingular integral equation method.

According to the configuration and ecotope of the earths surface, the coverage of vegetation, occupation ratio of bare sandy land and the soil texture were selected as evaluation indexes by using the field investigation data. 利用外业调查数据,依据地表形态和生态状况的变化,确定了植被盖度、裸沙地占地百分比和土壤质地3项评价指标,并建立了基于遥感的科尔沁沙质荒漠化评价指标体系,其中裸沙地占地百分比用混合像元分解的方法获得。
According to the configuration of porous ceramics, there are two kinds of means to make porous ceramics by preceramic polymer pyrolysis, namely bulk structure porous ceramics and ceramic foams. 根据所得多孔陶瓷的形态,先驱体转化法制备多孔陶瓷大致可分为两类:制备本征结构的多孔陶瓷,制备泡沫陶瓷。
According to the connotation of internal control systems, systematic analysis on the macro and micro components can promote effectively the construction of internal control systems of commercial banks in reality. 根据银行内控制度的内涵,系统性地分析构建银行内控制度的宏观要素和微观要素,是有效推进我国银行内控制度建设的现实着眼点。
According to the constitution, the use of referendum is not obligatory, but rather usually requires the agreement of the president. 就宪法的规範而言,法国的公投并没有强制性,其实施与否通常需由总统同意而提出。
According to the constitutive relation of the fluid, academic model for calculating damping force of viscous damper is first developed. 在幂律流体本构关系的基础上,建立了粘滞阻尼器的阻尼力计算模型。
According to the constitutive relationship in linear piezoceramics, elliptical crack problems in impermeable case are analyzed with hypersingular integral equation method. 摘要在线性压电陶瓷本构关系和裂纹边界绝缘的框架下,用超奇异积分方程的方法对椭圆类片状裂纹问题进行了重新研究。
According to the construction and management experience of the national key laboratory of crop genetic improvement for years, this paper analyzed and proposed a pattern including the laboratory accurate orientation and maintaining the research direction i 摘要结合作物遗传改良国家重点实验室多年来建设与管理经验,分析并提出了准确定位并保持研究方向不变、突出学科特色并整合学科优势、构建专职管理班子和合理学术梯队、理顺实验室与学科建设关系以及实验室与依托单位关系等实验室运行机制和管理模式。
According to the construction of Shanghai UMT R3 (TaoPu section),this paper discusses the basic integration of UMT line alternatives and land use along the lines, makes a new approach to the income of land development which will be used as the constructio 以上海轨道交通R3线(桃浦段)建设项目为背景,探讨了城市轨道交通线路位置选择与沿线土地利用相结合的基本方法,提出了利用沿线土地开发收益解决城市轨道交通部分建设资金的思路。
According to the constructive principles of these diagrams, the following aspects must be thought carefully: the rock types to be studied must be the same or nearly the same as those that can be discriminated by the diagram; To avoid mixed or incorrect si 强调指出:所采集的样品必须新鲜(无蚀变或极弱蚀变)、非堆晶的岩石;选择的判别图解必须与判别的岩石类型相一致,即对花岗岩类要用花岗岩的判别图解,不能用玄武岩的判别图解;对特殊类型岩石要选择专门用于该类型岩石的判别图解,如碱性花岗岩,钾质火成岩;要应用多种图解综合判断;不能用单个样品,而应作多个样品分析;要注意所选择判别图解的特别说明等。
According to the content of films and TV plays with historical consumerism, the cultural formula in them can be classified into compounding, nostalgia, trick, partial history, games, and anti-history. 从历史消费主义影视剧的内部配方机理入手,可以把历史消费主义影视剧归纳为“配方”、“怀旧”、“噱头”、“小历史”、“游戏”、“反历史”等文化模式。
According to the contract, after receipt of the preliminary shipping advice, you are kindly requested to open with the Bank of China the relative L/C in our favour within ten days. 按照合同,在收到第一次装运通知后,请贵方在10天内在中国银行开立以我方为抬头人的相关信用证。

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