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The album ranked at No. 13 on the sales charts, selling nearly 122,000 units, a far cry from Jackson's superstardom days, but better than the 100,000 units that was forecast.

The album had a strong student following. 这张专辑深受学生的欢迎。
The album has four-letter words, plenty of sexism and some anger at the police. 这本画册的文字粗俗不堪,充满着色情和漫骂警察的内容。
The album hit number 5 in the Billboard chart. 专辑人数达到5单曲.
The album is a set of melancholy love songs with local flavor. The title song encourages women to press on through even their most heartbreaking moments. 这张专辑是一集带有当地风情的忧郁爱情歌曲,主打歌曲鼓励女人们即使在她们最伤心的时候也要熬过去。
The album is currently being sold with the single Huo Yuanjia, the theme song of the movie Fearless. 该专辑最近携单曲《霍元甲》(电影《霍元甲》主题歌)继续大卖。
The album ranked at No. 13 on the sales charts, selling nearly 122,000 units, a far cry from Jackson's superstardom days, but better than the 100,000 units that was forecast. 他的这张新专辑在销量排行榜上仅列13位,售出122000张,这一销量远不及其最红的时候的成绩,但是比预期的100000张要好。
The album remains an acquired taste but it does contain a broad appeal for anyone willing to expand their musical horizons a little bit to a global stage. 这张专辑保持了都市曲风原本的风格,但是确实,任何希望拓宽他们音乐边界而加入一些来自世界舞台元素的听众,也能从这张专辑所包含的大量内容中得到满足。
The album sales of Taiwan for 2005 is out and Jay Chou is the champion of the year! 台湾地区今年唱片市场销售成绩揭晓了,冠军由周杰伦获得!
The album will have 10 tracks. Sun describes her sound as haunting, melancholic rock. 这张专辑将收录10首歌.孙玉声用难以忘怀,忧郁摇滚来形容她的声音。
The album, released two weeks ago, is the biggest selling album to debut at number one in the USA with sales over 737,000. 这张两个星期前发行的专辑,刚登场,就以737,000张的销量成为美国最畅销的头牌。
The albumen-detected technology is based on the UV-absorption principle. 依据紫外吸光度分析法,对蛋白质样品进行电泳分离与紫外检测。

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