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But if he is found out, he shall restore sevenfold; He must give over all the substance of his house.

But if he does not purify himself on the third and seventh days, he will not be clean. 他若在第三天不洁净自己,第七天就不洁净了。
But if he ever redeems it, then he shall add one-fifth of it to your valuation. 13他若一定要赎回,就要在你所估定的价值以外加上五分之一。
But if he has not found sufficient means to get it back for himself, then what he has sold shall remain in the hands of its purchaser until the year of jubilee; but at the jubilee it shall revert, that he may return to his property. 利25:28倘若不能为自己得回所卖的、仍要存在买主的手里、直到禧年.到了禧年、地业要出买主的手、自己便归回自己的地业。
But if he has not found sufficient means to restore it for himself, then what he has sold shall remain in the hand of the one who has purchased it until the year of jubilee; and in the jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return to his possession. 28倘若他没有力量,不能为自己得回,所卖的就仍要存在买主的手里,直到禧年;到了禧年,地业要出买主的手,他要归回自己的地业。
But if he is born in spring, he will be less of a braggart. 但是如果他在春天出生,他将是较务实。
But if he is found out, he shall restore sevenfold; He must give over all the substance of his house. 31他若被发现,就要赔还七倍,要将家中所有的尽都交出。
But if he should ever wish to redeem it, then he shall add one-fifth of it to your valuation. 利27:13他若一定要赎回、就要在你所估定的价值以外、加上五分之一。
But if he wants meaning—the meaning of his dreams, his secrets, his life—a man must reinhabit his past, however dark, and live for the future, however uncertain. 而要找到意义——他的梦境、秘密和生活的意义,一个人必须寄居过去,无论它多么黑暗,还需为未来而活,不管它多么飘渺。
But if he wants to take it by force, I won\'t give him even if I died. 但是如果他想要强行带它,我将不给他即使我死。
But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 他若不听、你就另外带一两个人同去、要凭两三个人的口作见证、句句都可定准。
But if he's a villain, he's a mute one. 如果他真是一个恶棍,那他就是一个幕后的恶棍。

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