The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless. Graduation only marks a stage of one's education. Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.
学海无涯。毕业只标志着一个人受教育的一个阶段。不断求知,持续进取,才能使我们提升到一个个更高的台阶。 |
The possibility of food poisoning has been excluded.
食物中毒的可能性已被排除。 |
The possibility of growth and fulfillment in trusting environment, with interesting jobs and motivational compensation will be provided after hiring.
一经录用,公司将提供一份有前景的工作,激励性的报酬和完善的培训,以此使员工充分发挥自我能力,并提升自我。 |
The possibility of non-objectivism moral education is to establish the philosophy of existence-survival which holds that man breathes together with the world and to create relatively ideal, unbiased educational circumstances and to inspire the spontaneous
非对象化道德教育之可能就在于确立人与世界一气流通的存在论-生存论的哲学,并创设相对理想化的、无成见的教育情境,通过直接的行为交往和平等的对话激发人原发性道德意识的产生。 |
The possibility of obstructive uropathy was completely excluded by retrograde pyelography.
逆行性肾盂摄影检查完全排除阻塞性肾病变的可能性。 |
The possibility of our success is very small.
我们取胜的可能性很小。 |
The possibility of postirradiation sarcoma after radiation therapy should not be a major factor influencing treatment decision in the patient with breast cancer.
由于放射治疗术后引发肉瘤之机率甚低,因此不应列入乳癌病人接受放射治疗与否之主要参考因素。 |
The possibility of rapid restoration of swallowing and phonation function would be an important motivating factor for surgery for these patients.
如果能够在术后快速的重建吞咽以及发音功能,会使这类病人较愿意接受手术。 |
The possibility of such contradictions is something the designer of an ontology needs to take into consideration. It is expected that tool support will help detect such cases.
当设计一个本体的时候,设计者必须考虑到这种矛盾的可能性。一种期望是,工具的支持将帮助侦测到这样的情况。 |
The possibility of the book being translated is provided for in your contract.
在你们的合同中已订定有可能要翻译这本书。 |
The possibility of the earthquake cannot be exclude up so far.
到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性. |