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Primary features at the site include Monks Mound, the largest prehistoric earthwork in the Americas, covering over 5 ha and standing 30 m high.

Primary causes of dementia usually cause irreversible memory loss and impaired thought processing. 痴呆症的主要病因通常会导致不可修复的记忆力丧失和思考能力的丧失。
Primary cutaneous leiomyosarcomas are rare malignant tumors. 摘要皮肤原发性平滑肌肉瘤是一罕见恶性肿瘤。
Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government. 小学教育受地方政府的保护。
Primary end points were the proportion of patients experiencing at least 1 relapse at 12, 24, and 36 months. 治疗的截至点为在12、24和36个月中患者至少经历了一次复发。
Primary experimental results indicate that the apparatus is capable of modeling the vortex-induced vibrations of pipeline and the sand scour around the pipeline in typical ocean environments. 初步实验结果表明文中研制的实验模拟装置能够模拟典型海洋环境下海底管道的涡激振动和管道周围海床冲刷等问题。
Primary features at the site include Monks Mound, the largest prehistoric earthwork in the Americas, covering over 5 ha and standing 30 m high. 在这个遗址上我们还可以找到一些远古建筑,比如当地的寺庙丘,这是美洲大陆上最大的史前土木工程,占地超过5公顷,高约30米。
Primary gastric lymphoma is an uncommon gastrointestinal malignancy, which usually occurs in the sixth decade of life. 摘要原发性胃淋巴瘤是不常见的消化道肿瘤。
Primary growth Growth derived solely from meristems present in the embryo, i.e. apical meristems. 初生生长:指完全起源于胚芽分生组织即顶端分生组织的生长。
Primary heat transfer shall be accomplished by convection through the reservoir wall to the pumped fluid. 最初的热交换应该通过贮存器壳与泵抽液体的对流来完成。
Primary intrinsic gangliogliomas of the brainstem are exceedingly unusual. 摘要原发性脑干神经节细胞神经胶质瘤是一种非常罕见的肿瘤。
Primary is about fundamental play. 原始与基础游戏有关。

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