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Speculation abounds about who might be the heir to Ms Wang's fortune.

Spectrum auctions are a relatively new idea. 无线资源拍卖是个新生事物。
Spectrum studies indicated that there existed interaction between nano carbon particles and the PMMA matrix, which was consistent with the decrease in glass transition temperature of the composites with carbon content. 光谱分析表明复合体系中存在某种作用,导致该复合材料的玻璃化转变温度明显下降。
Specular / reflection passes - I've rendered separate passes for different details to do some extra fine tuning as well. 高光/反射通道——我按照不同的细节进行分层渲染并做了些额外的精细的微调。
Specular. Provides moist texture of the skin. Too much will make the skin too shiny whereas too little will make the skin too dry. 高光贴图:表现皮肤的潮湿纹理。如果高光太强,会使得皮肤过份光泽,如果高光不够的话,皮肤会显得非常干燥。
Speculate briefly concerning its place in the line of TV comedy. 简要推测它在电视喜剧系列中所处的地位。
Speculation abounds about who might be the heir to Ms Wang's fortune. 关于谁将成为龚如心遗产的继承人一事的猜测沸沸扬扬。
Speculation about the plot has surrounded the book after Rowling admitted two characters will die - some think it could be Harry Potter himself. 关于剧情的猜测也是数不胜数,在罗琳承认两个角色会挂掉之后,有些人认为可能是哈利·波特本人。
Speculation and gambling should be avoided. 投机生意及赌博应该被避免。
Speculation and transfer of certificates for ephedrine purchase and use shall be prohibited. 禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素购用证明。
Speculation and transfer of ephedrine export licenses and certificates of purchase and use for export are prohibited. 禁止倒卖和转让麻黄素出口许可证和出口购用证明。
Speculation had mounted that Malaysia would unpeg the currency because the fall in the value of the US dollar was making imports into the country more expensive. 此前许多人开始猜测,马来西亚可能取消汇率挂钩政策,因为美元贬值使该国的进口变得更加昂贵。

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