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The tour ends where the world's smallest city-state begins.

The tough words suggested that both sides were digging in for a more prolonged standoff that may not be resolved easily. 强硬的谈话表明双方的固执己见,这会使对峙延续更长时间而且更不容易解决。
The tough-tackling midfielder has made it clear he isn't just here for the ride, and will be doing everything within his powers to break into the line-up. 这位球风硬朗的中场称,他来切尔西不是来座板凳的,他会尽一切努力进入一线阵容。
The toughest part of any optical design is knowing where to start! 光学设计最痛苦的问题就是设计从哪里开始!
The tour business provided valuable economic support to Communist North Korea's shaky economy, which suffers from food shortages and [b][color=Red]dilapidated[/color][/b] industrial infrastructure. 旅游业给北韩摇摇欲坠的经济提供了支持,北韩的经济受累于食品短缺和破旧的工业基础设施。
The tour business provided valuable economic support to Communist North Korea's shaky economy, which suffers from food shortages and dilapidated industrial infrastructure. 旅游业给北韩摇摇欲坠的经济提供了支持,北韩的经济受累于食品短缺和破旧的工业基础设施。
The tour ends where the world's smallest city-state begins. 旅行在世界最小的城邦开始之处结束。
The tour garnered rave reviews in the press, with the Guardian writing that the show was utterly fabulous. 媒体对此次巡演以最高的评价,卫报称赞演出“棒的不得了”。
The tour guide gave a running commentary from the front of the coach. 导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说.
The tour guide was very accommodating when we asked to see a Beijing Hutong.? 当我们要求游览北京胡同时,那个导游欣然答应。)?
The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. 旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆.
The tour includes the air fare, hotel accommodations and three meals each day. 这次旅行包括了机票、旅馆住宿和每日三餐。

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