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During this period, marriage customs in Henan province has presented the new appearance: the new marriage ceremony has developed out of balance; the new and old style marriage custom has been co-existed; the new marriage custom still has serious disadvant

During this period the greening area increased by two-fold. 这期间绿化面积扩大了一倍。
During this period the work of Duccio, the Lorenzetti brothers and Simone Martini was to influence the course of Italian and, more broadly, European art. 在这段时期,杜奇奥、洛伦泽蒂兄弟、以及西莫内·马丁尼等人的建筑作品影响了意大利的艺术进程,更广的范围上也影响了整个欧洲的艺术发展。
During this period varialb tireness and malaise/maa'leiz/ with mild hepatic/hi'petik/ tenderness may persist. 在此期间,疲乏与不适的多种表现,伴有肝脏轻度压痛,仍可持续存在.
During this period, all 26,000 tickets for the opening and closing ceremony and half of the tickets for competitive events are on offer. 在这一阶段,预售全部26,000张开、闭幕式门票和50%的比赛门票。
During this period, great progress was made of the organization, guidance, struggling methods and tactics in the coal mine worker's strike, and that provided conditions for Chinese working class to step on the Chinese political stage, to establish, after 这一时期,煤矿工人罢工的组织领导、斗争方式和策略运用等方面都有较大的进步,并为中国工人阶级登上中国的政治舞台和在“五四”运动后建立自己的先锋队组织―中国共产党,以及在中国共产党的领导下走上自觉地谋求本阶级和全国人民彻底解放的革命道路准备了条件。
During this period, marriage customs in Henan province has presented the new appearance: the new marriage ceremony has developed out of balance; the new and old style marriage custom has been co-existed; the new marriage custom still has serious disadvant 这一时期,河南的婚俗呈现出新的特点:新式婚礼发展不平衡,新旧婚俗并存,新式婚俗依然存在严重弊病,新式婚俗提倡晚婚。
During this period, some 20,000 to 25,000 years ago, equids were among the most abundant and ecologically important herbivores on the grasslands of Africa, Asia and the Americas. 那时约莫是在25000~20000年前,马科动物正活跃于非洲、亚洲及美洲的草原上,牠们为数众多,且是在生态系中扮演重要角色的草食动物之一。
During this period, the literature trend such as urban literature and left-wing literature finally established their historic position, in which their worldism writing feature was most intensively expressed, thus formed a prosperous phase of modem literat 在这场洗礼中,上海的都市文学、左翼文学等文学潮流最终确立了各自的历史地位,其世界主义写作特征得到了最集中的表现,并形成了现代文学的繁荣局面,有力地促进了中国民族文学的发展。
During this period, there was an emphasis on providing clean water,improved sanitation and housing. 在这个时期中,重点被强调的是提供干净的水,改善卫生设施和住房情况。
During this period, with the changes of land property right in rural area, peasants extricate themselves from the shackles of political power and have a big autonomy in management. 这一时期,随着农村土地产权制度的变化,广大农民从国家束缚下解脱出来,拥有了充分的自主权。
During this phase he may use generic search terms related to the product or services sought in order to form a “short list” of potential providers. 在这个阶段期间他也许使用与产品或服务相关的普通查寻用语,目的是为了形成潜在的供货商的简短目录。

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