Jane plays tennis badly, but with heart and soul.
简网球打得不好,但却全力以赴。 |
Jane refused to buy products which are not biodegradable.
简拒绝购买不能生物降解的产品。 |
Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.
简存了几段布留做棉被用。 |
Jane says that Betty is jealous, but Jane is more jealous herself. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
简说贝蒂嫉妒心强,可她自己嫉妒心更强。自己有同样缺点的人最好不要说他人。 |
Jane sometimes goes into a different trance state where she speaks as “Future Seth”.
有时,简进入一种不同的出神状态,她又作为“未来赛斯”说话。 |
Jane tanned quickly in the sun.
简在太阳下很快就晒黑了。 |
Jane walked boldly up to the platform without faltering.
简沉著大胆地走上讲台. |
Jane was always put upon by the bigger girls.
简总是被年龄大一点的姑娘们占便宜。 |
Jane was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
珍是嘴里叼着银调羹出生的。 |
Jane was counted among the greatest dancers of the century.
简被视为本世纪最伟大的舞蹈家之一。 |
Jane was in only one scene of the play, but she stole the show from the stars.
简只是在全剧的一场戏中出现,但她(精彩的演出)却把观众对其他明星的喝彩全抢走了。 |