They believe the body of the plane is submerged in the swamp.
他们说,机身被淹没在沼泽中。 |
They believe the color protects their babies from fevers.
奶妈们相信蓝色能够防止婴儿发热。 |
They believe the very lack of distress lately will mean the carrion is more plentiful when times eventually change.
他们相信,近来危机债务越少,经济最终转向之后倒闭的公司就越多,食物也就越丰盛。 |
They believed Bayern's explanation that the meeting had only taken place for informational purposes.
他们相信拜仁的解释,此次会晤只是为了“宣传目的”。 |
They believed him to be insane.
他们认为他疯了. |
They believed in a rule of law, not violence.
他们相信法律统治,而非暴力统治。 |
They believed that Americans had ushered in a new era by abolishing all social hierarchy and introducing radical democracy.
他们相信美国人已经藉由废除所有的社会阶级和引进彻底的民主,开展了一个新纪元。 |
They believed that it was good business to hire men, women and children as cheaply as possible, make them work as hard as they could, when they became inefficient, worn out, or unable to work for any reason, discharge them.
工厂主认为好的生财之道就是尽可能压低雇员的工资,使他们尽可能卖力,一旦其工效降低、体力不支或因故丧失工作能力就将其解雇。 |
They believed that nothing would ever change.
他们相信没有事情会改变。 |
They believed that personal virtues could bring success; theirs was the gospel of work and thrift.
他们认为个人的良好品行可以带来成功;而他们的成功在于工作与节俭的信条。 |
They believed that poetry could purify both individual souls and the society.
他们(浪漫主义代表诗人布莱克,华兹华斯,科勒律治,拜伦,雪莱及济恩)认为诗歌是医治社会顽疾的良药,可以净化人的灵魂。 |