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The SNMP protocol is used for the administration of computer networks.

The SMEN4A Mechanical Interface Standards were developed to facilitate the interface of equipment used in the manufacture of surface-Mount printed circuit boards. This Standards is for Electrical Interfaces. SMEN4A机械设备连接标准是为了便于印刷电路板表面贴装行业机械设备之间的通讯接口而制订的,本标准是电器连接接口。
The SMS Center also offers English study materials such as Hot Words, Biz Words, Tongue Twisters, Brainteasers and Daily Jokes. 短信中心还提供英语学习的资料,如时事热词、商务词汇、绕口令、脑筋急转弯和生活笑话。
The SMTP protocol is used for the transmission of e-mails. SMTP协议是用于电子邮件的传输。
The SNA has now done a follow-up. 目前,学校营养协会也随之对此问题进行了调查。
The SND (Sound) was developed by Apple. SND(声音)是苹果公司开发的。
The SNMP protocol is used for the administration of computer networks. SNMP协议是用于计算机网络管理的。
The SO/SB Shutoff Regulator is used in the gas line to automatically shut off the fuel when the combustion air or any remote signal pressure drops below a predetermined limit. SB切断阀用于燃气管线自动切断燃料,当燃烧空气或者任何遥控信号的压力低于预设定极限值。
The SOCKS server evaluates the request, and either establishes the appropriate connection or denies it. Socks服务器检验这个请求,软后建立适当的连接或是拒绝它。
The SOEs of today appear to be appropriately described as Chinas economic dynamic dynamo for the future. 当今中国私企充分地表现出了中国经济蓬勃的未来。
The SPA basin as a whole is largely unfilled by mare lavas, whereas even the smallest basin on the near side tends to have copious lava fill. 整体而言,大部份的SPA盆地没有被月海岩浆填满,即使是近地面最小的盆地也被大量的岩浆所填充。
The SPA leadership will have to play a progressive role for the success of the peace process. 七党联盟领导人必须为和平进程的胜利发挥进步的作用。

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