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Beautiful Chinese spirit history is remote , neolith period cultural relic that Nan Yang City County Mount Huangshan unearths testifies , former the ancients starts as far back as five, right away for 6000 years the jade developing and making use of Du Sh

Beats: music, usually with heavy drum and bass. 强音拍,强节奏:通常带有很强的击鼓声和贝司乐的音乐。
Beatty's extended family is seated at the dinner table. 贝蒂的女儿吉莉说:“我对农牧业这一行确实有很深的感受。
Beaumont, Constance E. How Superstore Sprawl Can Harm Communities. National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1994. 着,超级商场的扩张如何危害社区,国立史迹保存信托机构,1994年。
Beautician (Senior), clothing models (primary) training. 美容师(高级),服装模特(初级)培训。
Beautiful ' Dongsheng ' the sign ossein porcelain dependence extraordinary creativity as the bone China, the unusual quality, establishes a new school in the bone China, its rich skin texture, the variegated color, the dignified sense of reality and cryst 作为骨瓷新秀的‘东升’牌骨质瓷依靠非凡的创意,超凡的品质,在骨瓷界中独树一帜,其丰富的肌理、斑斓的色彩,凝重的质感和晶莹剔透的光泽,浓厚的自然气息,更能体现历史文化底蕴和时代气息,加之科学管理、良好的售货服务、卓越的内在品质,绿色的生产流程,使‘东升’骨瓷备受青睐,尤其受到香港、美国、俄罗斯客户的一致好评,是宾馆、饭店、家居和馈赠亲友的首选。
Beautiful Chinese spirit history is remote , neolith period cultural relic that Nan Yang City County Mount Huangshan unearths testifies , former the ancients starts as far back as five, right away for 6000 years the jade developing and making use of Du Sh 中国采玉的历史久远,南阳县黄山出土的新石器时期的文物证明,早在五、六千年前古人就开始开发和利用独山玉。
Beautiful Hubble Space Telescope images are allowing astronomers to pick apart the complex events at the hearts of galaxies, the Chandra X-ray Observatory is peering into places hidden to Hubble, and theorists are trying to make sense of it all. 藉由哈伯太空望远镜所摄得的清晰影像,天文学家得以发掘出那些暗藏在星系中心的复杂事件;钱卓X射线太空望远镜正窥视著哈伯所无法探知的区域,而理论学家也正试著弄懂它们。
Beautiful Shiva should have been her clan's religious leader, but her family was killed during the Reckoning while attempting to save some sacred animals. 美丽的希娃本来应该成为氏族的宗教领袖,但她的一家都为了保护圣兽而牺牲在大劫难中。
Beautiful and u oiled, it was difficult to farm. 格兰扁山区景色怡人,还没有受到现代文明的污染。
Beautiful and unspoiled, it was difficult to farm. 格兰扁山区景色怡人,还没有受到现代文明的污染。
Beautiful beaches, miles of gorgeous greenery, magnificent mountains and geothermal action, topped off with a cosmopolitan city or two. 美丽的海滩;绵延数英里的悦目的葱绿;雄伟的高山;丰富的地热;最后,还有一两座国际化大都市。

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