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A leper came to Jesus and begged him, “If you so will, you can make me clean.

A lengthy journey into non-truth teaches any sentient species or consensus reality greatly. 一段进入非真相的漫长旅程巨大地教导了任一意识物种和一致实相。
A lengthy period of traveling the hippy highway brought him into contact with the many cultures of the Middle East and Indian subcontinent to which he returns whenever possible. 如此长的嬉皮士生活,使得他获得了大量的关于中东和印度次大陆的文化知识。
A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis. (博士学位)论文,(专题)论文,学术演讲长而正式的论文,尤指大学里由博士学位攻读者所写的论文;学位论文
A lens with an angle of view so wide that it can capture very much of the life around us in a single frame – this is what the name originally means. 一个具有如此宽广视角的镜头,几乎可以把在我们周围发生的一切都记录在一幅画面中——这就是这个名称最初的含义。
A leopard and a goat can never live in the same flock. 豹子和山羊不同群。
A leper came to Jesus and begged him, “If you so will, you can make me clean. 有个患痲疯病的人来找耶稣,跪求他的怜悯,并对耶稣说:“如果你愿意,就能洁净我。”
A less extreme form recognizes that while expectation formation may change, the presence of nominal rigidities is likely to imply some increase in unemployment, although less than implied by the traditional answer. 如此极端的形式认识到当预期形式发生变化时,名目僵固性的存在可能暗示失业的一些增长,尽管会比传统的答案所暗示的要少。
A less scrupulous man wouldn't have given the money back. 换个不甚诚实的人是决不会把钱归还的。
A less theoretical matter has to do with co-operation between Japan and America over ballistic-missile defence, the main counter to Mr Kim. 日本与美国就弹道导弹防御,这一金正日的主要克星开展合作则并非一个假设性问题。
A lesser confrontation, in which he as good as called Andrew Johnson, the Everton striker, a cheat before being forced to retract his comments, was also unhelpful. 在另一次较轻的队员碰撞中,他称埃福顿前锋约翰逊假摔,但后来被迫收回他的评论,这对他的形象可没什么帮助。
A lesser risk, in the regulator's view, stems from the levels of debt used to finance private-equity deals. 从监管者的角度看来,用于私募股权投资交易融资的债务,其水平也会产生次要的风险。

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