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She feels guilty, but says she'll stay until there is someone to replace her, as helping children who live in the mountains learn is too importantfor her to stop, she said.

She fed the baby some milk. 她喂食婴食一些牛奶。
She feed the cow with bran. 她用麸皮喂牛。
She feels a species of nervousness. 她有一种紧张的感觉。
She feels a strong affinity to him. 她感到他对她有很强的吸引力。
She feels equal to the task. 她认为能胜任该项工作。
She feels guilty, but says she'll stay until there is someone to replace her, as helping children who live in the mountains learn is too importantfor her to stop, she said. 她觉得有愧于丈夫,但是她说如果没有人接替她的位置,她就一直留下来,她说,教山里的孩子读书太重要了,她不能放弃。
She feels his behavior has besmirched his family name. 她觉得他的行为损害了他的家庭名声。
She feels like a big fool for sticking with him so long through thick and thin. 不顾艰难与他长期相处,她觉得自己像个大傻瓜。
She feels pity for him. 她同情他。
She feels rather lonely in the strange town. 在这座陌生的城市里,她感到很寂寞。
She feels robbed not only of the sanctity of her marriage, but also of her dignity , self esteem and future. (她觉得不但她婚姻的神圣性被剥夺,同时也丧失了尊严、自尊和未来。)

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