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An increase in corporate indebtedness is the first step towards a turn in the credit cycle, according to analysts, especially in the context of corporate profitability and cash flow having already hit a peak in the current cycle.

An incorrigible, spoiled child. 一个管不了的、宠坏了的孩子
An incorruptible official who could not be had. 一位不为贿赂所动的廉洁官员
An increase above this figure is known as enrichment; a decrease below this figure is known as deficiency. 若含量超过21%,则为富氧,低于这个数字为含氧量示足。
An increase in bank loans increases the size of managerial perks and free cash flow. 在我国,债务融资非但没有提升公司治理,反而扩大了经理的代理成本。
An increase in business activity following a recession or depression. 在经历衰退或萧条之后出现的经营活动的增加。
An increase in corporate indebtedness is the first step towards a turn in the credit cycle, according to analysts, especially in the context of corporate profitability and cash flow having already hit a peak in the current cycle. 分析人士表示,企业负债增加是信贷周期走向拐点的第一步,在企业盈利能力和现金流在当前周期中均已达到峰值的背景下更是如此。
An increase in crime is one of the by-products of overpopulation. 犯罪的增加是人口过多的副产品之一。
An increase in crime is one of the by-products of unemployment. 犯罪率增加是失业问题造成的一种恶果.
An increase in expected dividends leads to an increase in the fundamental value of stocks: an increase in current and expected one-year interest rates leads to decrease in their fundamental value. 预期股利的增长导致了股票基础价格的上涨:现期及预期未来一年利率的提升导致了股票基础价值的下降。
An increase in interest rates will undoubtedly result in an immediate stifling of any increase in economic activity. 提高利率无疑会导致立即抑制经济活动中的任何增长。
An increase in nominal money growth decreases nominal interest rates in the short run, but increase them in the long run. 名义货币增长率的提高在短期内会降低名义利率,但在长期内会提高名义利率。

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