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After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it's probably time to head for the door.

After an exile of ten years her uncle returned to Britain. 她叔叔背井离乡十年后返回英国.
After an explosion the explorer restored the storage of the explosive in the exploiter's storehouse. 爆炸过后勘探者恢复了剥削者的仓库里炸药的储量.
After an extravagant life, you feel desolate and cheerless. After consorting with a tranquil person, you have long sweet memories. 繁华热闹的生活,过后则感凄凉;清淡朴素的做人,历久犹有余味。
After an general introduction to topic map and its important concepts, an comparative study among topic map and the related knowledge organization methods such as index, glossary, thesaurus, taxonomy, concept map and knowledge representation was carried o 摘要通过简单介绍主题图的定义及其核心概念,与相关的知识组织方法,如索引、词汇表、叙词表、分类法、概念图,以及语义网中的知识表现等进行了比较。
After an hour of this, one of the soldier decided that the fighting was getting too dangerous for him, so he left the front line and began to go away from the battle. 这样持续了一小时后,有个士兵认为战斗太危险了,所以他离开前线,开始逃离战场。
After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it's probably time to head for the door. 除非是每人带一道菜的聚餐,否则主人很可能会回答:「不用,你来就可以了。」
After an hour or two, I caught sight of a man riding a pony down the street, a pony and a brand-new saddle; the most beautiful saddle I ever saw, and it was a boys saddle. 一两个钟头以后,我突然看见有人骑着一匹小马打街那头过来了—匹小马,马背上还配着一副崭新的马鞍子,一副我所看到过的最漂亮的马鞍子,而且是一副供小男孩使用的马鞍子。
After an hour we arrived at the mountaintop and had a short rest. 一小时后我们到了山顶然后休息了一会儿。
After an hour, it automatically plugs itself into a power outlet for recharging. 一个小时之后,它自动把插头插进电源插座以便再次充电。
After an impatient oath or two, she got her hair away from her eyes, sufficiently to obtain a sight of him. 她不耐烦地咒骂了一两声,把头发从眼睛上拨开,才看到了他。
After an impressive debut season, German rookie Nico Rosberg is staying put for a second year at Williams and, in light of Mark Webber's imminent departure, the team's test driver Alexander Wurz will finally return to racing in 2007 after a six-year testi 在经历了一个让人印象深刻的首赛季之后,德国新人尼科-罗斯伯格将会在威廉姆斯车队再呆一年,据马克-韦伯即将来临的离开,车队的测试车手亚历山大-伍尔兹在担任了六年的测试车手之后,终于在2007年又回到了比赛之中。

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