Don't forget that, being in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia's seasons are opposite to China's. |
中文意思: 不要忘记:澳大利亚位于南半球,那里的季节与中国截然相反。 |
Don't forget staples like sugar and salt when you go to the shops.
你去商店时,不要忘记买盐和糖之类的必备食品。 |
Don't forget take your toothbrush when you are going to travel.
当你要去旅游时,不要忘了带你的牙刷。 |
Don't forget that LS is an opaque white and will show up against other clay colors.
不要忘了液体软陶是不透明的白色,会在其它颜色的软陶上显现出来。 |
Don't forget that Vemma is already open in Austria, Ireland, Germany, Slovenia and the United Kingdom!
不要忘了维玛已经在奥地利,冰岛,德国,斯洛文尼亚还有英国开展了业务。 |
Don't forget that for developing self-motivation, it is more important to celebrate the smaller milestones than the major achievements -- they are naturally more rewarding.
记住,要发展自我激励意识,庆祝较小的进步比庆祝大成就更为重要--它们当然更有回报。 |
Don't forget that, being in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia's seasons are opposite to China's.
不要忘记:澳大利亚位于南半球,那里的季节与中国截然相反。 |
Don't forget the 24-hour room service, which is also free.
别忘了24小时房间服务,也是免费的. |
Don't forget the praise when they overcome a difficult hurdle.
不要忘记赞美时,他们克服了一个个难关. |
Don't forget the principle that airplanes need level ground to land on.
别忘了这条原理:飞机要在平地着陆。 |
Don't forget the return address!
不要忘记回邮的地址! |
Don't forget the toothbrush before you are on the trip.
当你要去旅游时,不要忘了带你的牙刷。 |