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After graduating from Amherst College as political science major, he worked in the travel industry.

After got meal from the canteen, every one was sitting on the grass bed and eating quietly. 从伙房打回饭,都坐在各自的草铺上默默地吃着。
After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. 在你更衣完毕并拿起你的公事包后,你下楼去,望出窗外,你看到你的孩子正在上巴士。
After graduate form university , I came to Lianyungang electric motor factory as the mechanic engineer , the mainly work of this period is to work up the drawing and attend the technical transform of non-limited motor . 1994年8月我应聘到连云港电机厂,实习半年后转为了技术员,在这期间,我主要从事图纸整理并参与了无机变速电极的研制与调试同时负责整流器的改造。
After graduated from Hainan University, I have attended the Advanced Curricula for Assistants and MBA. My majors include English and Business Management. 周秀梅,毕业于海南大学,参加过助教进修班和工商管理硕士学位的学习,主修英语和管理。
After graduated he is become the conductor for the band of Beijing 109 middle school,command the orchestra participate in several performances successful, and well received. 毕业后任北京市第一零九中学管乐团指挥,成功指挥乐团参加过数场演出,并获得好评。
After graduating from Amherst College as political science major, he worked in the travel industry. 他从阿默斯特学院政治学专业毕业后,从事旅游行业的工作。
After graduating from Britain's Sandhurst Military Academy last year, the prince has repeatedly expre ed his wish to accompany his regiment to Iraq. 哈里王子去年从英国桑赫斯特皇家军事学院毕业后多次表示希望和自己的部队一起前往伊拉克。
After graduating from Britain's Sandhurst Military Academy last year, the prince has repeatedly expressed his wish to accompany his regiment to Iraq. 哈里王子去年从英国桑赫斯特皇家军事学院毕业后多次表示希望和自己的部队一起前往伊拉克。
After graduating from Kickapoo High, Pitt headed off to the University of Missouri, where he majored in advertising, graphic design, and frat-boy pranks. 从纪卡普高中毕业后,皮特进入密苏里大学主修广告、美术设计、并兼顾同学会的恶作剧活动。
After graduating from Yale, I came here to Beijing to tell students to have their own dreams and to follow them. 从耶鲁大学毕业后,我来到北京。在这儿,我告诉我的学生应该拥有梦想并去追寻梦想。
After graduating from college with a degree in mass communications, she traveled to her father's hometown in Beilun, China, and taught conversational English to the local English teachers. 大学毕业获得大众传媒学位后,她来到她的祖籍--父亲的家乡中国北仑,给当地的英语教师进行英语口语培训。

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