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Hill was referring to what he called the second phase of the Korean Peninsula denuclearization process, which will be the disablement of nuclear facilities and full declaration of nuclear programs on the DPRK part and economic assistance and relationship

Hill released her second album, It Matters to Me, to great fanfare21 in August of 1995. 1995年8月,希尔的第2张专辑《对我很重要》大张旗鼓地推出了。
Hill said the United States is concerned about North Korea's efforts to develop a highly-enriched uranium program, in addition to its plutonium program. 希尔说,朝鲜试图发展高浓缩铀项目和钚项目,美国对此非常关切。
Hill says the hard technical effort of getting the money from point A to point B has been accomplished, and that Washington now expects Pyongyang to honor its part of the February agreement. 希尔称将钱从A地转入B地的技术性工作业已完成,现在华盛顿希望平壤能履行二月协议中所作的承诺。
Hill spoke Monday in Beijing. 希尔星期一在北京发表了以上评论。
Hill was discussed on the game : God curse on the mountain, some of the stones will go to large and small organizations. However, we do t fear the Warriors. 游戏介绍:龙岩山是被上神诅咒的一座山,有人经过时大大小小的石块就会纷至沓来,不过我们的勇士并不畏惧。
Hill was referring to what he called the second phase of the Korean Peninsula denuclearization process, which will be the disablement of nuclear facilities and full declaration of nuclear programs on the DPRK part and economic assistance and relationship 希尔提到了他所说的朝鲜半岛无核化进程的第二阶段,即核设施的拆除、朝鲜方面完全申报其核计划、经济援助以及美国方面对关系正常化的考虑。
Hill works carved a son, mountain pines seem Temple high and larking quaint, two man in the fishing boat had a leisurely game, the two face a fine of small streams, inside a bird Using flooding removable white jade carved independence, and allowing full f 作品精雕一座山子,山间苍松翠柏,寺塔高筑,俊秀古朴,两位老翁在渔舟中悠闲地对弈,两人面前一个精致的小溪流,里面一只大鸟巧用透水白独玉摘雕出来,体形饱满精致,十分讨人喜欢,更让人想起只羡鸳鸯不羡仙美名。
Hill would give the Suns another gifted shooter and his need to play limited minutes at this stage of his career would not be a problem. 希尔将带给太阳队另一名天赋型射手,他在职业生涯现阶段要求在有限的时间内打球的诉求不成问题。
Hill's first encounter with the bird was quite unexpected. 希尔首次遭遇这种鸟纯属意外.
Hill's stay of execution also halted the death of another Florida inmate on the same grounds, and Governor Jeb Bush, a brother of President George W. 基于同样的原因,希尔的死缓使佛罗里达州的另一位死刑犯也被死缓。
Hill, John C. Options, Futures, And Other Derivative Securities, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1993. 中华民国证券暨期货市场发展基金会,期货交易理论与实务,期货丛书(一)。

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