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Rewards should connect with their capabilities, outstanding accomplishment and contributions.

Rewarding a criminal by paying him for an exclusive account of his crime is one of the worst forms of cheque-book journalism. 重金酬劳罪犯以取得独家报道其犯罪的权利是重金新闻业最糟糕的形式之一。
Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity. 主要根据工作年限奖励员工不利于人们保持高水平的生产力。”
Rewards allure men to brave danger. 重赏之下,必有勇夫。
Rewards and bonuses that you receive from a particular airline (or a consortium of different airlines) for flying on a frequent basis. 由于经常使用某一航空公司或航空联合集团的服务而获得的积分奖励。
Rewards shall be given according to the merits to those who have reported the crime of producing or selling fake and low-quality commodities, while their legal rights and interests shall be protected. 对举报生产、销售假冒伪劣商品案的有功人员要给予奖励,保护举报人的合法权益。
Rewards should connect with their capabilities, outstanding accomplishment and contributions. 报酬应与其本人能力、业绩、贡献挂钩。
Rewards to introducers shall be handled according to the procedures of self-declaration, examination and confirmation. 四、对引荐者奖励按照自行申报、审核确认的办法办理。
Rewind nine months and it's hard to imagine the New Jersey Nets being in the sad and hopeless position that they are in today. 看看九个月前新泽西网队的表现,很难想象他们今天会落到如此悲哀和绝望的境地。
Rewinder has pneumatic back roller. 收卷有背压辊。
Rewinds to the beginning or the previous selection mark. 倒回起始位置或前面一个标志处。
Rework of classical game - frog trying to get to other side of screen. 古典游戏-青蛙设法到对屏幕的另一边。

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