The request shall state the title of the invention or utility model, the name of the inventor or creator, the name and the address of the applicant and other related matters.
请求书应当写明发明或者实用新型的名称,发明人或者设计人的姓名,申请人姓名或者名称、地址,以及其他事项。 |
The request sound resonable to me.
那个要求听起来(对我来说)还算合理。 |
The request sounds reasonable to me.
那个要求听起来(对我来说)还算合理。 |
The request sounds to be rational.
那个要求听起来(对我来说)还算合理。 |
The requested Customs administration shall comply with a request to follow a certain procedure, unless that procedure would conflict with its domestic law or normal practice in force in the country of the requested Party.
二、被请求方海关当局应按请求方海关当局的要求遵循特定程序,除非该程序与被请求方国内法律或通常作法相抵触。 |
The requested URL /archive/main_1.jpg was not found on this server.
所以是没有档案,或可能是因为档名大小写造成的差异,所以无法发现档案。 |
The requested URL was not found, please contact with Changsha XinYin Digital.
您访问的地址或文件不存在,请联系长沙馨印数码。 |
The requested URL was not found, please contact with administrator.
您访问的地址或文件不存在,请联系管理员。 |
The requesting Customs administration shall be so advised.
此情况应通知请求方海关当局。 |
The requests are called hits.
每一次的触击都会被伺服器所记录。 |
The required concentration can be adjusted from the screen (LC %), but in normal conditions it is equal to 15%.
所需的浓度可在屏幕上进行调节(LC%),但是在正常情况下等于15%。 |