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We are after the same rainbow's end.

We are affiliated with major Angel and Venture Capital Companies in Silicon Valley. 我们与硅谷地区主要的天使投资和风险资本公司有密切的关系。
We are afraid of bombs because we have no faith in the future. 我们怕将来不是因为有了原子弹,说我们怕原子禅,实际上是对未来没有信心。
We are afraid of not coming on time because of the delay of the fright. 因为班机延误,我们恐怕不能准时赶到了。
We are afraid we can not comply with your request. 我们恐怕无法顺从您的要求。
We are afraid; we would rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch. 我们害怕;我们倒宁可聊一聊美式橄榄球,聊聊天气或者聊聊我们午餐所吃的东西。
We are after the same rainbow's end. 我们都在追寻同一道彩虹的尽端.
We are against racialism consumingly. 我们强烈反对种族歧视。
We are against the death penalty, I mean [that′s] we are against death penalty, whether Saddam or anybody else. 我们反对死刑,我的意思是我们反对死刑不管是对萨达姆还是对其他任何人。
We are aggressively expanding our business with recent focus on retails operation. 现阶段,百思买公司重点致力于零售领域的业务拓展。
We are agreeable to your proposal for payment terms. 我们同意你方针对付款条件提出的建议。
We are ahead of schedule by a week. (我们比计划提前了一个星期。)

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