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Cytocompatibility of acellular cartilage matrix with chondrocyte in rabbits

Reproductive strategy of multiple paternity in reptiles:A review 爬行动物多父性生殖策略研究进展
Comparison of the distribution of Newcastle disease virus receptors in different animal cells 新城疫病毒受体在不同动物细胞上的分布比较
Programmed Cell Death Induced by Environmental Factors in Plants 环境因子诱导的植物细胞程序性死亡
Application of remote ensing in urban ecosystem research 城市生态系统研究中遥感技术的应用
Cytocompatibility of acellular cartilage matrix with chondrocyte in rabbits 兔软骨细胞与脱细胞软骨基质的生物相容性
Analysis on Variation of HA Gene of Three H9N2 Subtype Avian Influenza Viruses 3株H9N2亚型禽流感病毒HA基因变异分析
Group patterns of dwarf blue sheep(Pseudois schaeferi) in Zhubalong Nature Reserve,Sichuan Province,China 四川省竹巴笼自然保护区矮岩羊的集群特征
Protoplast formation and regeneration of the itaconic acid producing strain aspergillus terreus T-730 衣康酸产生菌—土曲霉T-730原生质体的制备和再生
Impaction of Quaternary Glacier to Insect Fauna of China 第四纪冰川对中国昆虫区系形成的影响
Separation of Goat β-casein and Its Antiserum Preparation 山羊β-酪蛋白的分离和抗体的制备

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