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A method for determining the content of inositol by GC is established, which can be used for the quality control in the process of producing inositol.

A method and a device for audio coding are disclosed. 本发明揭示一种用于声频编码之方法及装置。
A method and the key points on fabrication of soft actuators based on ion-exchange polymer composites (IPMC) was introduced, the actuation principles of the actuators were analyzed. 摘要介绍了基于离子聚合物金属复合结构(IPMC)的柔性致动器的制备方法和关键技术,分析了致动机理。
A method combining manufacture process monitoring system and PLC is presented, through which automatic control system of a set of device for latex polymerization is developed and automatic control and monitoring function of the whole manufacture process a 介绍了一种以生产过程监控软件和PLC(可编程控制器)相结合的方法,对一套乳液聚合装置进行自动控制系统设计,实现了整个生产过程的自动控制以及监控功能。
A method for analyzing 3D seismic dynamic reliability of gravity dam is presented based on First-Passage theory, design point method and response spectrum method. 摘要基于首次超越破坏机制的理论,在三维重力坝的地震动力可靠性分析方面作了有益的探索。
A method for dealing with pipelining errors in which the receiver simply discards all subsequent frames, sending no acknowledgments. 处理管线传输错误的一种方法,在这种方法中,接收方发现错误后简单地废弃后续帧,不发送确认信号。
A method for determining the content of inositol by GC is established, which can be used for the quality control in the process of producing inositol. 摘要建立了GC法测定肌醇含量的分析方法,该方法可用于肌醇生产过程中的质量监控。
A method for determining the interval of convolution integrating by use of the graphic partition is given in this paper, and the application and promotion of this method are exemplified. 摘要本文给出了利用图解分段确定卷积积分区间的一种方法,并举例说明了其应用及推广。
A method for estimating the uncertainity in the prediction of carbon dioxide concentration in a ventilated airspace is described. 摘要本文描述一研究方法以估计在预测通风空间中二氧化碳浓度时所存在之不确定性。
A method for harmonic current detecting in power system based on wavelet transform is proposed. 摘要小波变换是一种变分辨率的时频联合分析方法,可以对时域和频域信号进行精确地分析。
A method for making polynomial train is given, and the uniform convergence of the train is proved by means of analysis method. 摘要给出了构造多项式序列的一种方法,并采用分析的方法证明该序列的一致收敛性。
A method for shpae estimation of piles by using measured reponse data at the pile head is propsed, which can be used to determine the size, type and site of a defect in a pile. 摘要本文提出了一种用实测桩顶脉冲响应信号估计基桩桩身形状的方法,该方法能定量确定桩身缺陷的位置、延伸範围以及严重程度。

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