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He is so vile, the Ayatollah, vile to impose the death sentence, said Koch at City Hall. If he(Rushdie) hadn't gotten this advertising it would be on remainder, because I'm told it's such a dull book. Now he'll make multi-millions of dollars, but I hope h

He is more interested in playing for a prestigious club and one with a project for the future. 德拉斯更希望能效力一家享有盛誉和有光明未来的俱乐部,德拉斯在罗马生活的也十分惬意。
He is on holiday, but we will talk over the next few days. “他正在度假,但是我们可以在几天后谈谈。
He is once said to have decided to change the direction of traffic overnight [as a result of a fortune teller]. It caused a huge number of accidents,he said. “耐温大将一度想要决定在一夜之间改变交通灯的方向(这是占卜师的建议)。这一下就造成了大量的交通事故”。
He is out for Tuesday,said Mourinho. He has a muscular rupture in his thigh. “周2他不会出现在场上”穆里尼奥说,“他大腿的肌肉拉伤了。”
He is pretty cool and has a kind of an aura. 他非常非常地酷,身上有独特的光环。
He is so vile, the Ayatollah, vile to impose the death sentence, said Koch at City Hall. If he(Rushdie) hadn't gotten this advertising it would be on remainder, because I'm told it's such a dull book. Now he'll make multi-millions of dollars, but I hope h 他真卑鄙,阿亚图拉真卑鄙,居然下了死刑令,葛德华在市政府说。如果他[拉什迪]没有这一通广告,他的书一定会滞销。我听说那本书非常枯燥。现在他会赚进数百万,不过我希望他能活着用这笔钱。
He is the focal point and leader of our group, so the things he does make a big, big difference. “他是焦点,他是球队的领袖,所以他做的一切都能使我们发生很大很大的变化。”
He is the one whom God exalted to His right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. 徒5:31神且用右手将他高举、〔或作他就是神高举在自己的右边〕叫他作君王、作救主、将悔改的心、和赦罪的恩、赐给以色列人。
He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself, and cut his throat if his theology isn't straight. 人类是唯一的动物,他爱护他的邻居就如同爱护他自己一样,但是如果对方的宗教神学有问题,他会割断对方的喉咙。
He is torn from the security of his tent, And they march him before the king of terrors. 伯18:14他要从所倚靠的帐棚被拔出来、带到惊吓的王那里。
He is working fantastically hard and it will be great to get him back this season. “他现在非常努力,如果这个赛季他能回来,对我们来说真是太棒了。”

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