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My brother enjoys going to concerts.

My brother built me a model ship out of wood. 我哥哥用木头为我造了个模型船。
My brother chose the best and I had to take the second best. 我弟弟选了那最好的,我不得不拿个次的。
My brother designs to be an engineer. 我弟弟立志要当工程师。
My brother does not like the taste of durian. 我哥哥不喜欢榴莲的味道。
My brother dropped by last night to talk to me about our parents' anniversary party. 昨晚我哥哥来我这儿和我谈论父母亲结婚周年日的宴会。
My brother enjoys going to concerts. 我兄弟喜欢去听音乐会。
My brother enjoys studying the humanities, but I prefer the sciences. 我哥哥喜欢研读人文学科,但我比较喜欢研读科学。
My brother flies for an airline?. 我哥哥在一家航空公司当飞行员。
My brother flipped when he found a dent on his new car. 我哥哥发现他的新车上有个被撞瘪的地方,就发疯了。
My brother gave me a baseball mitt for my 14th birthday. I owed him. 我过14岁生日的时候,我哥哥送给我一只棒球手套。我很感激他。
My brother gets up later than I do. 我的哥哥比我起床要晚。

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