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For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. 路8:17因为掩藏的事、没有不显出来的.隐瞒的事、没有不露出来被人知道的。
For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light. 可4:22因为掩藏的事、没有不显出来的.隐瞒的事、没有不露出来的。
For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that My name may be there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. 代下7:16现在我已选择这殿、分别为圣、使我的名永在其中.我的眼我的心也必常在那里。
For now my only aim is to take Juventus back into Serie A, if I cannot achieve this then I won't be here next season. 现在,我唯一的目标是将尤文带回甲级,如果我不能完成任务,下赛季我将不会留在这.
For now, I am giving my all for the shirt of Atalanta, but there's no question that it would appeal to me to again play for Lazio in the future. 现在,我将把我的一切奉献给身上的这件亚特兰大的战袍,但毫无疑问我渴望在未来再次为拉齐奥效力.
For particulars, apply to the information desk. 详情请向问讯台询问。
For seven days you are to provide a male goat daily for a sin offering; you are also to provide a young bull and a ram from the flock, both without defect. 25七日内,每日要预备一只公山羊为赎罪祭,也要预备一只公牛犊和羊群中的一只公绵羊,都要没有残疾的。
For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall be a feast to the Lord. 出13:6你要吃无酵饼七日、到第七日要向耶和华守节。
For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 结39:12以色列家的人、必用七个月葬埋他们、为要洁净全地。
For someone who's not a strikeout pitcher, to take the game into the eighth inning is pretty amazing,Torre said. 老爹说:对于不是三振型的投手,能够将完美球赛带到第八局真的是神奇阿。
For sure complacent. When you start like we did, and finish like we did, why play for 20 minutes so bad? “一定是太自满了。既然开始和结尾我们都能打的那么好,为什么偏偏有20分钟要打的那么难看哪?”

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