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Results Those elderly patients with a history of taking statins had higher BMD, such as femoral neck with t=. (P=0.0), femoral wards triangle with t=.8 (P=0.0)and femoral trochanter with t=.7 (P=0.007)than the control elderly at the end of follow-up.
果他汀组骨密度T评分明显增高,其中股骨颈t=.(P=0.0),Ward三角t=.8 (P=0.0),大转子t=.7 (P=0.007),与对照组比较其差异均有统计学意义。

Results There were kinds of gander role types in the female undergraduate: androgynous (%), feminine (9.%), masculine (0.8%) and undifferentiated (.%). 果 在女大学生中存在着四种性别气质类型:双性化(% )、女性化 (9. % )、男性化 (0. 8% )和未分化(. % )。 性别气质类型与个性气质类型存在着十分显著的差异。
Results There were 8 cases(8. %) of ~7 times of pregnan cy,9 cases(7.%) of pluripara, cases(.9%) of many times of artificial abo rtion and induced labor and cesarean section in 0 cases of placenta praevia. 果0例前置胎盘中妊娠次数~7次者8例,占8· %,经产妇9例,占7·%,有多次人流、引产、剖宫产史者例,占·9%。
Results There were significant differences in delusion of being stolen, depression, ramble between the two groups(P<0.0). 果发现两组在被窃妄想、抑郁、徘徊方面差异有显著性(P<0.0)。
Results Thirty Patients( episodes, 7.% ) had urinary tract infection, more than half of them(7.8%)occurred in the first month of post-transplant, some of them had fever (9.%),urinary tract symptoms(.9%),pyuria(. %)and complicated sespsis(9.7%). 果7.%发生尿路感染,其中7.8%发生在移植后个月内。 有发热者仅9.%,有尿路刺激征者为.9%,白细胞尿. %,合并败血症9.7%。
Results This uricase contained one polypeptide of .7 kD and its Km was(0.±0.0) mmol/L(n=). The inhibition constant of xanthine was( ± ) μmol/L(n=). 果苛求芽孢杆菌分泌的尿酸酶只含种肽链,分子量为 .7 kD(kD=0.99 ku),其米氏常数为(0.±0.0)mmo/L(n=),黄嘌呤抑制常数为( ± )μmo/L(n=)。
Results Those elderly patients with a history of taking statins had higher BMD, such as femoral neck with t=. (P=0.0), femoral wards triangle with t=.8 (P=0.0)and femoral trochanter with t=.7 (P=0.007)than the control elderly at the end of follow-up. 果他汀组骨密度T评分明显增高,其中股骨颈t=.(P=0.0),Ward三角t=.8 (P=0.0),大转子t=.7 (P=0.007),与对照组比较其差异均有统计学意义。
Results Thrombolysis combining with albumin, lowered the hematocrit, raised plasma colloid oncotic pressure, raised the rCBV at gs、pz and pbra areas as well as rMSI at gs area(P< 0.0). D组治疗后 h,gs、pbra区的rCBV稍下降,pz区rCBV稍升高,与B组相比,差异无显著性(P>0.0); gs和pz区rMSI缓慢上升,pbra区缓慢下降,与B组相比,差异无显著性(P>0.0)。
Results To follow-up for ~ years found that eyes were lacrimal puncta ectropion,which all were used anesthetic duct as supporter, the occurrence rate is %. 果随访~年,发现使用麻醉导管为支撑的吻合术眼中有眼泪点外翻,占.00%。
Results Totally 0 succus prostaticus samples were conventionally cultured and 0 strains of 9 species of bacteria were isolated with a positive rate of .%. 果从0份前列腺液中,共分离出9种 0株细菌,阳性率为 . %。
Results Twenty-eight rejection crises (90. %) were reversed in Group Ⅰ, and one (. 7%) was reversed in Group Ⅱ. 果 治疗组8例(90. %)排斥逆转,对照组仅例(.7%)排斥逆转。
Results Varying the concentration of DNA and the annealing temperatures have not visible effect to improve Y chromosome specificity of the DYS 9 and DYS 9 .The co-amplification of the X-loci in DYS 9 and DYS 9 may mislead the forensic conclusion. 果稀释模板DNA浓度和提高退火温度对提高此两Y染色体基因座特异性扩增并不明显。 DYS 9和DYS 9 的X染色体扩增产物对法医学鉴定结论有误导可能性。

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