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The thief got bug eyed when he saw the amount of money in the bag.

The thief crept up behind the old man and laid him out with a single blow on the head. 那小偷蹑手蹑脚地跟在那位老人后面,而后在他头部打了一拳就将他击昏过去了。
The thief escaped observation. 小偷未被人注意。
The thief froze when he heard the footsteps approaching. 小偷听到走近的脚步声,吓得呆住了。
The thief got away in the dark. 窃贼在黑暗中逃掉了。
The thief got away with a huge haul. 那个贼偷走了大量财物.
The thief got bug eyed when he saw the amount of money in the bag. 小偷看到袋子里的钱时,惊讶的瞠目结舌。
The thief got clear away. 小偷逃得无影无踪。
The thief got off scot-free because he had a good lawyer. 那名小偷最终逍遥法外,因为他的律师很厉害。
The thief had a continual fear of being caught. 这个小偷总是害怕被抓住。
The thief had left his prints on the handle. 小偷在把手上留下了指纹。
The thief has a long record. 这小偷有一长串犯罪记录。

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