The Partial Regularity of Minima of FunctionalI(u;Ω)=∫Ωf(x,δu,D~mu) dx
泛函I(u;Ω)=∫_Ωf(x,δu,D~mu)dx极小点的部分正则性 |
The Pathic God and the Emancipation of Man──Comments on Moltmann's Political Theology
受苦的上帝与人的解放──莫尔特曼的政治神学 |
The Pattern Design of Jacquard Velours on Loop Wheel Machine WAGA PL
吊机上的高低毛圈提花天鹅绒花型设计 |
The Pattern of Investigation Review of Comrade——JIANG Ze-min from 998 to 000
调查研究的楷模——江泽民同志998年—000年调查研究回顾 |
The Peasant's Great Initiative
农民的伟大首创──《起源─凤阳农业“大包干”实录》的序言和前言 |
The People-based Management: the Core Competitive Power of the Accounting Firm——the CPA Professional Management Mechanism Hearted by the Management of the Registered Accountants
会计师事务所核心竞争力之人本管理——以注册会计师管理为核心的CPA职业管理机制问题 |
The Pestle Sound on Moonlit Nights --A Preliminary Analysis of the Prototype in Daoyi Poetry
月下谁家砧 一声肠一绝——捣衣诗原型意象探微 |
The Piezoelectric Immunosensor for the Detection of Gluconobacter Oxydans
检测葡萄糖酸氧化杆菌的压电免疫传感器 |
The Plastic Comparison of Madonna and Child and Song Zi Kwan-yin
文明的重影—基督教圣母子与佛教送子观音造型比较 |
The Plastid Transformation in Higher Plants
高等植物的质体基因转化 |
The Plight and Countermeasures in University Adult Education Management Rank
高校成人教育管理队伍面临的窘境与对策 |