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The troops aligned.

The trooper who made the stop wrote that when he asked Lewis how much he had had to drink, Lewis responded, only one. 拦下他的警察写到,当他问刘易斯喝了多少酒的时候,刘易斯说只喝了一瓶。
The troopers were staking out a house while looking for an escaped convict when they were ambushed. 两名骑警是在执行追捕逃犯过程中在一所房屋外执行监视任务时遭受伏击。
The troops (were) stood down: it was a false alarm. 部队解除了戒备状态, 原来是虚惊一场.
The troops (were) stood down: it was a false alarm. 部队解除了戒备状态,原来是虚惊一场.
The troops advanced slowly. 部队缓慢的前进。
The troops aligned. 士兵们列队了。
The troops are all in billets. 那些部队都在民房里。
The troops are hiding in a safe place waiting for their backup. 这军队目前正藏匿在安全的地方等待援军的到来。
The troops are needed to protect the country's temporary government. They are also needed to train Somali security forces, and bring back order to the area. 国家的临时政府需要军队保卫,索马里维和军也需要他们训练,使地区恢复秩序。
The troops drew up on the parade ground. 部队在阅兵场列队。
The troops fanned out as they advanced. 部队向前推进时呈扇形散开

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