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Waiter: Yes, sir. Straight or on the rocks?

Waiter: What kind of dressing on your salad? 服务生:沙拉要搭配什麽酱汁呢?
Waiter: Will you please describe it? 您能否形容一下它呢?
Waiter: Will you please describe them? 您能否形容一下它?
Waiter: Would you like a bottle of white wine to go with your lobster? 要不要来一瓶白葡萄酒来配龙虾呢?
Waiter: Would you sign your name and room number on the bill, please? And could you show me your room key/hotel passport. 请在账单上写上您的名字和房间号码,并且请出示房匙/房卡,好吗?
Waiter: Yes, sir. Straight or on the rocks? 好的,先生。纯威士忌还是加冰块?
Waiter: Yes. But we only have Chinese yuan for change. And the exchange rate is one hundred U.S. Dollar to RMB 804. Do you mind that? 是的,但是我们找零只有人民币,兑换汇率是100美元兑804人民币,你介意吗?
Waiter: Your Fried Shrimp Balls, sir. 您的炸虾球,先生。
Waiter: hello, Super Battercake Booth, How can I help you ? 非常煎饼摊,您来点什么?
Waiter: “Just a moment, sir. I'll fetch a spider. 服务生:等一下,先生。我去抓一只蜘蛛来。
Waiter: “Would you expect to find a dog in a hot dog, sir? 服务生:先生,你会预期在热狗里找到狗吗?

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