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Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.

Now I win well, I have two consecutive games alone on the location of the first, if Instead, I do the first two, - I can not pull him! 现在的我很好胜,我已经连续2个月游戏独坐第一的位置,如果谁让我做了第2,我非扳到他不可!
Now I wish that you all spoke in tongues, but even more that you would prophesy; and greater is one who prophesies than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may receive edifying. 林前14:5我愿意你们都说方言.更愿意你们作先知讲道.因为说方言的、若不翻出来、使教会被造就、那作先知讲道的、就比他强了。
Now I would ask her, for love of me, to have anther. It would be a poor tribute to my memory never to have a dog again. 如今我要恳求她,再养一只狗,将我的爱给牠。永不饲养其他的狗,将是对我的回忆最浅薄的贡献。
Now I would like to give you some details about Thanksgiving Day in the United States. 现在我想给你们详细谈谈美国的感恩节。
Now I would like to mention some variants of control by negative extraterrestrial beings (mostly by saurians) watched on people in every day life. 现在我想要提到一些受负面宇宙生命(通常被蜥蜴类)控制的变体每天注视着人类。
Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles. 罗1:13弟兄们、我不愿意你们不知道、我屡次定意往你们那里去、要在你们中间得些果子、如同在其馀的外邦人中一样.只是到如今仍有阻隔。
Now I yearn deeply many things when we were head over heels in love. 现在我很怀念我们热恋时的许多事情。)
Now I'd like to bring forward the question of funds. 我现在要提出资金的问题。
Now I'd like to take this opportunity to share their interesting history with you. 现在我想借这个机会和大家一起聊一些有关于筷子历史的有趣故事。
Now I'd like to turn to the po ible solutio . 现在我想把话题转向问题的可能解决方法。
Now I'd like to turn to the possible solutions. 现在我想把话题转向问题的可能解决方法。

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