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Abstract: Purpose:To study the relationship between pathogenic bacteria of sperm culture in chronic bacterial prostatitis and their resistance to antibiotics.

Abstract: Public law lies in the public right relationship and private law lies in the p rivate right relationship. 文摘:因公共利益而发生的社会关系属公权关系,因个人利益而发生的关系属私权关系。
Abstract: Purpose:To analyze the diagnosis and treatment of primary ureteral cancer.Methods:33 cases were reviewed. 文摘:目的:提高原发性输尿管恶性肿瘤的诊治水平。
Abstract: Purpose:To explore the risk factors for nosocomial infection of urological surgical department.Method:2 976 cases of urological surgical patients was investigated retrospectively for the nosocomial infective prevalence in urological surgical dep 文摘:目的:探讨泌尿外科医院感染的危险因素.方法:回顾性调查1996年4月~1999年4月间我院泌尿外科手术患者2976例的医院感染情况.结果:泌尿外科医院感染率为4.87%,其中男性占73.1%,女性占26.9%;感染部位依次为下呼吸道、手术伤口、泌尿道、胃肠道、上呼吸道、皮肤软组织;Ⅰ类切口术后感染率为4.4%,Ⅱ类切口术后感染率为10.4%,Ⅲ类切口术后感染率为13.6%;动脉插管感染率为27.6%,静脉插管感染率为25.5%,泌尿道插管感染率为30.3%,呼吸道感染率为20.8%,全麻感染率为42
Abstract: Purpose:To investigate the diagnosis,treatments and prognosis of adrenal cortical carcinoma in children.Methods:Data of 2 cases of adrenal cortical carcinoma in chidren were analyzed retrospectively about their diagnosis and treatments.Results:2 文摘:目的:探讨儿童肾上腺皮质癌的临床特征及其诊断、治疗和预后.方法:对2例儿童肾上腺皮质癌患者均行手术治疗,并对其发病及诊治过程进行分析.结果:2例肾上腺皮质癌中,1例为柯兴综合征表现,1例为无功能性、小腿软组织肿块表现.结论:儿童肾上腺皮质癌生长迅速,可直接播散.无功能性肾上腺皮质癌症状隐蔽,早期诊断、及时治疗对改善预后起决定性作用.
Abstract: Purpose: To investigate the efficacy of the vasovasotomy without stents. 文摘:目的:探讨不用支撑物输精管吻合术的疗效。
Abstract: Purpose:To study the relationship between pathogenic bacteria of sperm culture in chronic bacterial prostatitis and their resistance to antibiotics. 文摘:目的:研究慢性细菌性前列腺炎精液培养病原体及其对抗生素的耐药性。
Abstract: Pushing force calculation and main motor capacity calibration are conducted for the three push bench pipe mills currently used in the country. 文摘:对我国现有3套顶管机进行了顶推力计算,对主电机容量进行了校验。
Abstract: Quality of the external purchase equipment is the mai n factor that influence the quality of initiating explosive device. 文摘:火工品用外购器材的质量问题是影响产品质量的重要因素。
Abstract: Quantitative genetic variation in larval tolerance to cyhalothrin and fenvalerate was examined in a pyrethroid-resistant population of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) was examined with half-sibling analysis and significant ad 文摘:通过单对交配设计不同的交配家系,采用半同胞法分析了棉铃虫对三氟氯氰菊酯和氰戊菊酯的抗性狭义遗传力,并对2种菊酯类药剂的抗性发展速度进行评价。
Abstract: Quantum chemistry can solve problems which are not settled with conventional theory and method.The fundamental theory of quantum chemistry and SCC-DV-Xα method are introduced.The advances of quantum chemistry in cement chemistry field in recent 文摘:量子化学能解决许多用传统理论和方法所不能解决的材料科学问题,本文介绍了计算量子化学的基本理论及SCC-DV-Xα方法,综述了近三年来量子化学在水泥化学领域应用的研究进展。
Abstract: Recent advances in asymmetric hydrosilylation of prochiral carbonyl compounds catalyzed by chiral transition metal complexes are reviewed in this paper with 47 references. 文摘:评述了近年来手性金属配合物催化的前手性羰基化合物的不对称硅氢化反应研究进展。

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