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According to assaying drawback of traditional testing method,the new testing method was demonstrated;It was designed the system of assessing target in teaching of organic chemistry experiments which was transformed into operable teaching behavior.It can o

According to analyzing the criterion of weighing the economic operation results, the examining indexes are put forward, i.e. relative water consuming rate to generate electricity and relative water power utilization rate the computation formulas ae also g 本文通过分析衡量水电站经济调度效果的标准,提出了考核指标,即相对发电耗水率和相对水能利用率,并给出了计算公式。
According to ancient records, in this game a ball was thrown into the air between two teams of players. 根据古老的纪录,在这场游戏中一只球被投掷向两个队的球员之间的上空。
According to another, Mexico is the second fattest nation among the 30 (mostly rich) countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, after America. 另外一项研究也指出,在经济合作与发展组织的30个成员国(大部分是发达国家)中,墨西哥是仅次于美国的第二个肥胖人数最多的国家。
According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows. 根据人类学家的说法,直立行走的人的鼻祖面部轮廓与黑猩猩相似,额头后倾,眉毛突出。
According to archaeologists, it is the greatest and most consummate repository of Buddhist art in the world. 根据考古,这是世界上最伟大和最完美的佛教艺术知识库。
According to assaying drawback of traditional testing method,the new testing method was demonstrated;It was designed the system of assessing target in teaching of organic chemistry experiments which was transformed into operable teaching behavior.It can o 通过对传统有机化学实验考核方法弊端的分析,阐述了改革传统考核方法的必要性,建立了新的考核方法,设计了有机化学实验考核评估指标体系,并将评估指标转化为可操作的教学行为,促进了教与学,做到了全方位、客观地评价学生的实验课成绩。
According to audit direct file complete product line's third class audit work. 按稽查指导书完成对生产线的三级稽查任务。
According to available reports, breakage of dental anesthetic needles mostly occurs during mandibular block anesthesia. 根据文献报告记载,牙科麻醉针头断针的情形多发生于在施打下颚神经阻断麻醉时。
According to background information in the study, developing fetuses and pre-pubescent children are most sensitive to exposure to sex steroids, so meat consumption by pregnant women and young children needs to be watched. 根据这项研究的背景信息,发育中的胎儿和青春期前的儿童对这些性激素最敏感,所以孕妇和儿童的肉类消费应该被注意。
According to basic principle and application experience of black light lamp, The trapping lamps were opened out using the principle of wave, color and taste to trap insect pests imago with the electric networks of frequently vibration and high voltages, I 摘要借鉴黑光灯的基本原理和应用经验,再配以频振高压电网触杀的频振式杀虫灯,诱集的害虫种类多、数量大,既大幅度降低了田间落卵量,又显著减少了虫口密度;节能省电,成本低;叶昆虫天敌杀伤力较小,对人畜安全,不污染环境,具有显著的经济、生态和社会效益。
According to basic theories for distributing regular of electric field about surface single spot current source and high density resistivity prospecting method in this paper. put forward an installation which use one current electrode or dipole current el 摘要运用地面点电流源电场的分布规律和高密度电阻率法的基本思想,提出了分别利用单极供电、偶极子供电,其馀电极同时测量,通过室内数据整理实现高密度电阻率法的温纳对称四机、温纳偶极、温纳微分、温纳三极A、温极三极B和二极等装置。

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