For customers convenience, we can supply with matched flange, joint bolts and other spare parts. Also special requirement including product materials, connection standard and performance parameters can be met. |
中文意思: 为了用户方便,我公司可提供与阀门配套的法兰和螺栓,并根据用户要求提供易损配件,用户在产品选型时,可对产品材料,连接标准及性能参数提出要求,并在合同中注明。 |
For criminals who are paroled, the period stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be counted from the date the parole expires.
前款规定的期限,对于被假释的犯罪分子,从假释期满之日起计算。 |
For cross warm, twinkling like.
温暖划过,一瞬就好。 |
For cumulative purchase of HK$1,000 within a month, you may join one of our DIY classes at half price.
在一个月内纍计账单超过HK$1,000的客人可以半价报读本公司的一项DIY兴趣班。 |
For current densities above the critical current density, the vortices (the small nonsuperconducting regions of the sample) start to slip or move.
一旦这些区域开始移动,能量就会损耗,也就是说材料的电阻值不再为零。 |
For customer's requirement, we can design and manufacture all kinds of non-standard hoisting products.
本公司为满足用户需求,可设计生产制造各种非标准起重产品。 |
For customers convenience, we can supply with matched flange, joint bolts and other spare parts. Also special requirement including product materials, connection standard and performance parameters can be met.
为了用户方便,我公司可提供与阀门配套的法兰和螺栓,并根据用户要求提供易损配件,用户在产品选型时,可对产品材料,连接标准及性能参数提出要求,并在合同中注明。 |
For customers in North American and Europe, please contact our licensed distributors, as we do not offer direct mail order service outside of China.
北美和欧洲地区由代理商负责推广和销售,不办理邮购业务。 |
For cutting the composite lock gear with unequal tooth thickness,a study is made on the design method of gear sharper cutter with nonstandard parameter involute tooth profile and noninvolute tooth profile.The cutter tooth arrangement,the choice of teeth n
研究加工不等齿厚的非标准参数渐开线齿形,与非渐开线齿形复合的锁闭齿轮插齿刀刀齿的排列、刀具齿数的选择以及刀具设计的基本方法,介绍用限制区域选择插齿刀变位系数的新方法,并给出刀具齿顶后角与侧螺旋角的关系曲线,为插齿刀参数的选择提供依据.结果表明,采用上述方法设计非标准复合齿轮插齿刀,可简化计算和提高设计效率. |
For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.
对于危险品和有毒的货物,在每件包装上应有醒目的标记及性质说明。 |
For day by day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army like the army of God.
代上12:22那时、天天有人来帮助大卫、以致成了大军、如神的军一样。 |
For days on end, for the first two years of the famine, great clouds of these bugs swarmed over the four provinces, blotting out the sun and consuming almost all plant life in their path.
在饥荒的头两年,蝗群一来,有如乌云压境,遮天蔽日,席卷边区四省,数日不散,经过之地,庄稼片叶无存。 |