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All our persuasion was of no use; she would not come.

All our kin came to the family reunion. 我们的亲属全都参加了这次家庭团聚会。
All our lives, through the discipline of karate, we will seek to fulfill the true meaning of the Kyokushin way. 我们将终身修炼空手道,追寻和实践极真之道的真谛。
All our machinery was lost in the fire so we had to start from scratch. 我们的全部机器都被大火烧毁了,所以我们必须从头开始。
All our objectives were gained. 我们要夺取的军事目标均已拿下。
All our old concepts of the world or of matter or of even ourselves are purified and dissolved,and an entirely new,what you could call heavenlyfield of vision and perception opens up. 所有我们对于世界、事物,甚至自己的观念,都将被净化、溶解成崭新的样子,你可以称它为“像天堂一样”的景象和觉知。
All our persuasion was of no use; she would not come. 我们所有的劝说都没有用;她不肯来。
All our plans went wrong. 我们所有的计划都失败了。
All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically. 我们从前的一切观念都在爱改变,我们的工作肯定有很大改变。
All our previous ideas are now in the melting-pot; our jobs are bound to change radically. 我们从前的一切观念都正在改变, 我们的工作肯定要有很大变动.
All our problems were solved in one fell swoop. 我们所有的问题一下子全都解决了。
All our products are guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year. 我们所有的产品都享有一年的材料与制作瑕疵担保。

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