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You,my little cowboy friend,are gonna make me big buck-buck-bucks.

You've got the piles, that's what. “那就是你生痔疮了。”
You've got to come,said Scott Harrison, a partner with the consulting group, Pacific Strategies and Assessments. They have to play hardball. Make the Chinese pay attention and play poker. “你们应该来,”太平洋战略与评价公司的合作伙伴斯科特.哈里森说,“他们才会动真格的。要引起中国人的注意,让他们出牌。”
You've no right to talk to the world's highest turtle. “你没有权利与世界上最伟大的乌龟说话。
You've read too much! You're too learned! You're bringing us to a higher level where we don't need to be!- In jest rebuking a student with a tough question, 2 October 2001. “你书念得太多!你太有学问!你把我们带上一个我们不需要去的层次!”─以揶揄斥责一个提出艰涩问题的学生,2001年10月2日。
You, sir,replied the jeweler, about three whistles. “先生,对你来说,”珠宝商答道,“这一条,大约值三声口哨。”
You,my little cowboy friend,are gonna make me big buck-buck-bucks. 你,我的牛仔小朋友,你一定会让我赚到大钱的!
Young Jerry,said Mr. Cruncher, turning to his offspring, it's a burying. “小杰瑞,”克朗彻先生转身对他的下一代说,“是埋死人呢。”
Young people care about political and social issues but are extremely disengaged from the political system,said Stevenson. 史蒂文斯顿说:年轻人们关心政治和社会问题,但是却被完全地挡在了政治体系的大门之外。
Your Deceptive play early has caused your opponent to make an incorrect play on a later round. 「你先前的伪装战术导致你的对手在之后的对局中犯错。」
Your Healthfocuses on suicide in Japan. “您的健康”节目将聚焦日本人的自杀问题。
Your Highness, our wits are as sharp as needles! “公主殿下,我们的机智锐利如针!

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