It is worth noticing that during the course of transmission, different duplicates forwarded by a command are recognized as one command and share the same sequence number.
需要注意的是,一条命令在发送过程中转发的不同副本视为一条命令,使用相同的序列号。 |
It is worth noticing that, though the reform had been accomplished with Confucianism, the monarchical power had played a dominant role in the reform.
这些改造虽然是儒学化的,但值得注意的则是渗透在其中的君权力量,君权在其中起著支配性的作用。 |
It is worth noting that while the global environment remains in favor of emerging markets over developed markets, the opportunity gap is closing.
值得注意的是,全球经济环境仍然对新兴市场比对发达市场有利,但两者之间的差距正在缩小。 |
It is worth while asking how far their education contributed to their success.
他的成功得益于教育的地方到底有多大是值得研究的。 |
It is worth while to learn English.
学英文是值得的。 |
It is worth while to read the book.
读这本书是值得的。 |
It is worth while to take a trip abroad.
到国外旅行是值得的。 |
It is worth wondering whether the carry trade has been exaggerated.
这值得人们怀疑利差交易是否被夸大了。 |
It is worth your while to do the extra work .
你做这份额外的工作是值得的。 |
It is worthwhile consulting your tutor about it again .
很值得再向你的指导老师咨询一下这个问题。 |
It is worthwhile to further explore the relationship between Morning Supplementand Zhou Zuo-ren.
周作人与《晨报副刊》之间的关系,值得进一步探讨。 |